Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 75 - Halfway Through My Study!

Dear Reader,

Well, this has been a nice day for me.  I started off badly by wasting a lot of time dozing in bed after I woke up.  Then I took a bath to wash my hair and stayed in the bath for a long time.  I LOVE taking baths!  I just, in general, love being in water. But, I wasted a lot of time and so started feeling bad about that.  But I got my hair dried and started working.  

I decided to continue working in my study instead of moving on to the basement because I have OCD and it would be virtually impossible for me to change course until the job is completed.  So I decided to just keep working on the study until it's finished rather than fight myself about it.  I can't do anything more on the credenza until my supplies get in.  Well, that's not completely true.  I still have to figure out what is going on in this one notebook, and I did come across a pack of something or other that I haven't opened yet.  But, I decided to go on to the next scheduled task and leave those two things to be taken care of when I get back to the credenza.  

I started in on the other bookcase and learned the secret to inventorying my books.  First off,my take a shelf and divide it into categories before you start, then you work on one category until you're done with it.  It makes it MUCH faster!  I also figured out how to input the ISBN number if it won't read the bar code, or if there is n bar code.  This is also faster than taking a photo an entering all the information yourself.  I'm sure, well, let me rephrase this, I HOPE to finish the bookcases tomorrow.that would be so great, but I'm going to try to not get my hope set on it.  For one thing, we are going to go to church tomorrow.  Then my husband and I have an event from 2:00 to 3:30 ... I think that is the time.  Then I have to fix dinner and I have to go see my mother, and it's likely that our son will come down tomorrow.  Maybe I can find nooks and crannies of time and get it done then.  I can't figure out a way to view all of my books, though.  I can only view them by category at the moment.  

I am doing something that may seem really silly.  I am trying to learn to appreciate opera.  Being a rock, pop, and hip-hop gal, I've always hated opera.  But I read that you should just start listening to arias and, with time, it will suddenly "click" and you'll fall in love with opera.  We'll see, but in truth, I have been listening for a couple of days and, you know, it's not half bad!

I tried to use the pommodoros technique today for tie management, and it seemed to be really helpful.  Then, I -- wait for it -- EXERCISED!!  I didn't go about it quite right and am paying for it now.  But I didn't take the time to warm up because it was very late in the afternoon and I was afraid something would happen and I wouldn't be able to.  So I worked out really hard and fast and added in some more exercises until I had to quit because of the time.  But, I probably shouldn't have begun with the back exercises.  I did a lot of Supermans with a cold back, and it is hurting right now.  Hopefully everything will slip back in place tonight.  And, I held a thirty-second plank for the first time.  Kind of embarrassing to admit, but it was proud of it.  It really is nice seeing how much stronger I am getting since I started out in January.  I'm thinking about putting together a new and harder workout routine this week.  If I do, it will be the fourth routine I've made since January began, with each one being harder than the one before.  I felt really good after the workout high reminded me that this is something I LIKE doing.  I'm pretty sure I won't get to do it tomorrow, though.  

After working out, my husband and I went to the grocery store and bought dinner and healthy snacks.  I am making a recipe from the Whole Foods cook book tomorrow that involves ground turkey.  I bought everything for it, though ... except the turkey!  So I'll have to stop by the grocery store on the way home from church tomorrow.  

I found two books today.  One is a book I completely forgot that I had about working out with a ball.  I like doing that, but don't have a ball anymore.  The other one is a cottage style decorating book I had forgotten about it.  It has such beautiful pictures of homes that it makes my heart hurt!  White couches are a staple, though ... and I have two black dogs!  

I made a good dinner tonight, a very large fresh salad with grilled shrimp on it and gluten-free baguettes.  I ate too much of the baguette, and inmate too many of the Glutino Oreo cookies after we got home and I was unpacking everything.  I just don't like eating anymore and nothing sounds good.  There are no good restaurants in town, so I don't even want to go out to eat.  But all I'd had was a Luna bar, two cups of chai with soy milk, and a couple of pieces of toast.  Then it was 6:30 by the time we got home and I realized I was finally hungry and saw the cookies and, before the evening was over, ate FIVE of them!!!

Well, I'm heading for bed now.  It's almost 12 and I am actually very tired and sleepy even.  A quick bath and that should be it for me.  I have my alarm set for 8:45.  We have to leave the house by 10:40 and I am cooking a simple breakfast of grits, turkey sausage, and red grapefruit juice.  I already have laid out my clothes.  S, what is likely to happen tomorrow is the alarm will go off and actually wake me u by about 9:00 (I use one of those alarms that has a light start coming on 30 minutes early and I have it set for bird calls).  Then I will think, why in the world am I getting up this early?!  It won't take me but twenty minutes to get ready to leave and twenty minutes to get breakfast ready, ten minutes to eat ... I can sleep to at least 9:30!  Then I'll sleep past 9:30 and will have to rush like a crazy woman to be ready to leave in time and probably have to out my makeup on in the car!

So, hers a question for you.  What was Prussia?  Do you know the answer?  I've been looking online for more than thirty minutes and still don't understand it all.  Apparently Prussia was most of Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, and part of Russia.  Otto Von Bismarck had a lot to do with solidifying power for Prussia.  Wilhelm I was regent.  Then Prussia got made into Germany (?), or Germany became more solidified within Prussia (?) and it became the United Federation of Germany and Wilhelm I became the emperor (?) or Kaiser.  Von Bismarck was under him and a cool head, but Wilhelm then got rid of him and ultimately invaded Belgium to attack  France to take France out of the equation before turning its attention to attacking Russia.  But Belgium and France were allied with Britain, so as soon as Germany invaded Belgium, Britain declared war.  So, what is surprising her is that, as best I can understand it at this point, Germany wasn't even really a consolidated nation until shortly before WW1.  I'm so confused!!!  I need a World History for Fifth Graders site!  Everything is throwing in Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, which had nothing to do with the Roman Empire apparently.  The Carolingians, and some Frederick II guy and getting papal recognition, or making yourself a ruler without papal recognition.  And then stuff about Martin Luther  in the 1500's (did you realize he was that long ago?) and a Thirty Year War that decimated much of Germany and the Franco-Prussian War and something about being a duchy of Prussia. I am so lost!  Wouldn't one single course about the history of Europe till WW1 be great??

Well, have a blessed Sunday tomorrow.  


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