Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 57 - Exhausted at 10:20 pm ... PROGRESS!

Dear Reader, 

Darn!  I just woke my husband up looking at youtube titles and then one I looked at this morning started playing all of a sudden!  Poor guy.  Anyway, I am SOOO tired and ready to go to sleep!  And look how early it is! This is amazing! I even have my alarm set for 6:30 ... which is just ridiculous!  I'm changing it to 7:30.  

I tried on the exercise swimsuit this evening.  It's really hard to get into because it's high-necked which means a small opening in which to fit everything.  Once it's. On it's okay other than the fact that I look like a toad in it and the racer back shows my back fat!  Just charming!  I'm telling myself that it was cheap and to just go with it. It's not helped by being swollen badly again, almost as badly as before we went on vacation.   I'm eating less than I did on vacation, but more swollen.  What's that about??  

I saw my counselor today and we are going to go through a box of heartbreaks we received at a church in a different state.  All the emails, the letters, everything is in the box that I kept because I knew I'd have to deal with it at some point.  I've had great difficulty getting close to or trusting women since the events in that box happened.  We are also going to do EMDR on all of the break-up memories before I leave for New York.  So the next few weeks should be pretty intense.  

I finished reading All Quiet On the Western Front today.  If you haven't read it, let me wholeheartedly recommend it to you.  The author was drafted into the German army.  He was in the war for a while, but was then wounded and was in a hospital for along time.  He didn't publish the book until 1928.  By 1931 the Nazis were in power and they burned all copies of his book.  He got out and got to Switzerland, so they beheaded his sister.  This is considered to be one of the mt important novels of all time, and I understand why now.  I'm planning on starting The Guns of August tomorrow, also about WW1, but non-fiction.  It is also supposed to be one of the must-reads of your lifetime.  I was reading it at a Cuban restaurant today and these two older wome were sitting next to me and asked me about it.  They wrote down the name of it and said they were going to read it.  One of,the Cuban waiters was sitting visiting with them and he told me he has on,y read two books in his life!  Okay, that's strange enough, but get this.  He says the two books are The Art of War and The Prince!  

I was gone all day today and didn't exercise again.  I hope to, tomorrow.  I know that doesn't sound very committed and that is because ... I'm not!  

I chewed every nail down to nubbins today.  I was on a long drive and was practically asleep at the wheel despite getting a coffee latte with soy milk and two shots of espresso!  To stay awake I first tore off all the shellac polish from the manicure I got in Jamaica.  Then I started in on the nails and now ... they are all gone!

I don't have any information on how to help this young man yet.  I got a text from a pastor in town asking for my email because he had a lot of information to send me.  I'll read it tomorrow and make arrangements for him to stay in the hotel tomorrow night if we can't find him a better option.  I also learned of a place that takes in families in the large city nearby, and about a factory that is bring in a town about 45 minutes away.  Since he doesn't have any ties here, he could move there if everything fell into place just right.  I spoke briefly to him by phone today and said, "So I'm guessing that you have a pretty complicated story, huh?"  He just groaned and said yes.  

So that's it for now.  I will take my swollen body with it's chewed off fingernails to bed now and hope for some of,the swelling to,be down tomorrow.  I actually am moderately committed to going to the YMCA tomorrow.  

So much work to do physically and emotionally in 56 days! Not to mention getting ready to move!!


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