Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 47 - A Better Day ... Everyone Gets to Live!

Dear a Reader, 

Today has been a better day.  I wasn't able to go to sleep until around 2:30 this morning because my back was hurting so bad.  Thankfully the joint went back into place.  But it's been a bad couple of days for joints.  The left ankle is out of place and, something new is that the bone that runs along the bottom of,the outside edge of my right foot apparently has a joint somewhere along it and it seems to have come out.  Very strange feeling.  When do I see the genetics department??  I couldn't reach anyone in my doctor's office on Friday.  I have sent in an email to them.  

Oh, my mammogram came back with some question marks.  I have to go in next week and have a spot compression test on my left breast and maybe an ultrasound.  If you e never had a spot compression, well, I'll just say one thing.  You will NEVER complain about a mammogram again, because it isn't even in the same ballpark as a spot compression!  I've had this happen before.  About eight years ago, before we moved here, a tricky mammogram came back.  The little town we were in actually had a breast specialist.  Well, she didn't like the looks of things and decided that she wanted to remove this area.  I said no way.  My husband said, if the doctor says it needs to come out, it needs to come out!  You need to do what your doctor says is necessary (followed by many exclamation marks)!  I said, no way!  So we came to a compromise.  If I found a surgeon who said it did NOT need to come out, then that was it.  But if I couldn't find one who would say that, then I had to consider having this area removed.  Well, I took everything to the one surgeon I trusted in that town and he decided to do an ultrasound-guided biopsy.  I am, of course, allergic to even topical anesthetics, so I had to have three biopsies taken au natural!  Have you ever seen how BIG a biopsy needle is???  Well, I had to have that thing rammed in me in three different places!  My husband came and I held his hand and did not even break it!  The results came back benign and that it was some type of blend of fatty and fibrous tissue, but nothing that needed to come out.  Yeah!!  Sometime I'll have to tell you the story of how I got him to agree to let me use midwives for our second baby!  Boy, did THAT turn into a contest of wills!

So, anyway, I'm not worried about it.  Not at this point, anyway.  The good thing is that I will know the results before I leave because a radiologist will be there actually looking at everything as it's done.  

I slept till 10:30 this morning, so I got 8 hours of sleep.  Not the 10 I was hoping for, but better than it could have been.  I then started researching my housekeeper's recurrent ear and sinus infections and texting her information, trying to get her to go see an ENT.  Then our son called asking if we wanted to go get lunch.  I said sure though as you know, the LAST thing I wanted was to leave the house!  But we went out and had a nice time, even though our daughter couldn't come.  He seemed completely at ease being with us which was great.  Oh!  He called me "Mom" last week!!!  He hasn't called me anything for a few years now, so that was music to my ears!  And (drum roll) he got a JOB!!!!  Were so excited!  It's a temporary job for a month or two, but they want it to become a permanent position, so hopefully he will get to keep it.  It's down town in the large city where our daughter is working.  In fact, he's only about a block from her!  I'm happy about this because it has him working in a professional setting in the busy downtown area.  So this should be an easy way for him to ease into that kind of setting.  

Our daughter went shopping at a nice second-hand store today for her apartment.  She was snapping pictures and sending them to me.  I told her everything was nice, but getting her into the apartment was taking a lot of money, so she was going to have to content herself with what she has and what she can borrow from me and my mother and gave her a local Craig's-list type webpage.  She texted back, "okay" but I could tell from the tone of the text that she wasn't happy about it!  

I am crazy swollen again and I don't know why.  

I got almost nothing done today.  After we got back from lunch I went into my lavender study and looked at pictures I've been saving for the new home and texting them to a friend for her opinion.  Then, the funniest thing happened.  You know how when you add something to pinterest it displays it on the main board?  Well, I saw a couple of,things I was interested in and, when I opened them, I saw they had been posted by one of my daughter's best friends when lives in a different state.  I mentored/discipled her and some other girls for five years.  So it was so fun to see that I was looking at things pinned by her.  

I have my clothes set out to go to,church tomorrow.  I'm not sure if my husband is up to going or not.  He's got a chest cold and has not been feeling good.  I hope he's up to coming because we have missed for so long now.  But, not only is he not feeling well, but he's had a crazy week.  And something that is probably hard to understand is that he is in the newspaper very often and so when he goes out anywhere, he has to be on.  I'm not so well known, so I can sit in the back anywhere and not be recognized.  And about all anyone does when they do recognize me is smile at me, which is ok.  

Oh, I made the unfortunate discovery of a fabulous company in Denmark called GreenGate.  They have the most gorgeous stuff!  If you like Cath Kidston things from England, you'll go crazy over this stuff!  There isn't a US distributor yet, though. But their prices aren't bad, even when converted into our currency.  I could spend a small fortune right now on them!

My anxiety is still pretty high, but not through the roof anymore.  But next week is awful!  I hope to spend tomorrow cataloging my library and piddling around.  

Oh, last thing!  My daughter asked me how we were going to take her things to her apartment.  I said, well, you're going to get your brother and your boyfriend and any other friends you've got, find and borrow a pickup truck, and order pizza!!  She was dismayed that we weren't going to use a MOVING COMPANY!!!

That's it for now.  Have a blessed and restful day tomorrow!


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