Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 49 - I Think We Found Her Apartment!

Dear Reader,  

I had a great day with my daughter. We looked at a million, okay ... more like 15 apartments.  There were some that looked so bad that we didn't even stop.  The bulk of one bedrooms in this city start at $1200!  There are a few that start at $1050, one at $950, and a smattering in the $700-800's.  Most of the ones below $700 are Section 8 housing.  Not quite sure what that is, but we don't qualify.  We pulled up to one place in the $700's that didn't look so bad that we just kept driving.  We pulled up in the parking lot and there's a van painted every square inch with Alice in Wonderland pictures!  My daughter said whoever that was does a lot of 'shrooms and probably sells.  As we sat there she said, "I'd probably be murdered here!"  One other place which was $750 should literally be featured in a horror movie!  We walked inside double doors into kind of a lobby that had a bunch of dead and dying potted plants in it.  The smell was almost overwhelming.  I asked the (old) woman who was the manager when the complex had been built.  She ignored me, so I asked again and she said in th '60's; and, boy, did it look it!  So we climbed the stairs and then opened a door into a dimly lit long hallway with just a low-wattage light every fifteen feet or so.  The doors into each apartment lined the hall which had no window of any kind.  It was literally frightening!  You could see the blood splashed up on the walls from the latest murder victim!  Well, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it is definitely within the range of easy possibilities that someone had been killed there at some time!  We were both kind of freaking out by the time we got out of there.  We pulled away and got down the road.  I pulled off and we were both talking about how awful it smelled.  I asked her if she had any perfume and she pulled out a rollerball of Acqua di Gio and we eagerly applied it to our wrists.  Then we both started smelling our wrists to get that awful smell out of our noses and I said something like, "Drink in the luxury!"  That made us both start laughing and we said at the same time, "We're so spoiled!"  The other ones in the 700's that we looked at had various things about them that made them unsafe for a young woman living alone.

We did find a really nice one in the $800's. It's a ways out, but it shouldn't take more then thirty minutes for her to get to work with traffic, and it's not as far out as the other ones we found that were okay, but not quite as good.  This one also wins out because it's the only one that's not on the ground floor and they have a police officer on duty at night.  It's in a very good section of town and seems to be very safe.  It even has a little fireplace in it!  But, here's something really great about it.  They have guest quarters where people can stay when they come to visit!  So, when we come to see her, they have the equivalent of hotel rooms on the property that you can rent for $75 on week nights and $100 on weekends.  That will come in handy when we come visit from New York. 

We ate lunch and dinner together and then got in town and I went straight with my husband for his speech which was, as always, excellent!  The students were so sweet.  They gave us a going away present and then prayed over us.  There were tears shed!  Now THAT is something that just doesn't happen!!!  When have you ever heard of students crying because their university president was moving?!  I didn't even know we HAD a president when I was in school!  

So, I obviously didn't get anything done towards any of my health goals other than having a bone density test done.  And I didn't get anything done in terms of getting ready to move, either.  I think tomorrow is all mine!  Till 6:30 anyway when we have to go to a dinner. Maybe I can actually get some work done.  I have put together a good to-do list, but I've done it a little bit differently. This time I put together a list that is for the entire weekend. It looks like, other than the dinner tomorrow night, the only other thing I have us a concert Sunday afternoon.  At 3:00!  Do these people not know that that is NAP TIME???

Well, till tomorrow night!


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