Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 67 - Fun Day!

Dear Reader, 

It's late when I am writing this because I have been trying to figure something out.  I found out that they have put us in the cheapest room they have, not the room we booked and paid for.  We are paying $166 each night more than this room costs.  Soooo ... the manager and I will be having a nice little CHAT in the morning as he explains to me what he is going to do to make this up to us.  I know that mistakes happen, but we've spent two nights in a lesser room and have been over-charged, and that would have continued for the duration of our time here if I had not caught it.  

Other than that, though, it's been a lovely day!  I slept in till about 10.  I had planned on getting up with my husband ... but he got up EARLY!  Like 8:30 early.  On a Sunday, on vacation, in Jamaica!  Maybe tomorrow, but don't place any bets unless you are betting against me!

I missed breakfast, but we went to a really nice beachfront restaurant where I had jerk chicken with a rice and black bean mix and some king of cole slaw.  I also had a Mimosa and a Mai Tai.  And ... then I slept for two hours!  I seriously cannot hold my liquor!  This is not a place to come up if you are a tea-totaler, or an alcoholic! All the drinks are free and they are served everywhere!  I'm sure the cost of the liquor is a large part of the price of the stay, so if you don't drink then you're paying a lot for something you're not getting to enjoy.  

We spent a nice time at a coffee and pastry shop. I had a mocha latte with soy milk (no chai!) and a couple of small gluten-free brownies.  They had oats in them which was unusual, but still delicious.  Then we ate dinner at the seafood restaurant.  They made me some fried calamari using some crushed Glutino crackers for the breading.  They were delicious!  And then I had grilled tuna with fresh green beans and sliced, roasted and sautéed new potatoes.  They couldn't get me a dessert made for some reason and I wound up with what I think was a Glutino breakfast bar cut and arranged to look like something else with some type of jam and a mint leaf.  It was no good (think of a very, very dry fig newton), but thet made an effort to accommodate me, which I still appreciated.  

After this we went to the cabaret where one of their employees (with dreds down past his waist, gathered into a ponytail) sang opera arias and a few popular songs with an operatic arrangement and style.  It was interesting and very nice.  I say interesting because, though I don't have a good voice, my husband has an amazing one!  He started out as a music major with voice as his applied instrument years and years ago.  So we both know music and all that.  He had a big powerful voice, but had difficulty with pitch.  It seemed apparent that he had some training, but he could use some more.  I would like to have found out where he studied and for how long.  He has a powerful instrument that is worthy of more training, and I hope he is able to get it somehow.  

After that, there was a dance performance, five girls and four guys.  Really good stuff!  I used to dance and so I had a great time watching.  

I'm having some muscle spasm going on in my back, so I got out my heating pad only to fine that it has quit working since I traveled last!  So, I guess that just means that I'm going to HAVE to get a massage tomorrow!  For therapeutic reasons! 

We are going to take some scuba diving lessons tomorrow.  They will be $90 and I think they only make it so you can dive here at the resort.  I don't think they actually certify you. They provide the water testing to get you certified if you take an official on-line class.  But that costs $60 more and then there is probably a charge for the water testing done here.  So I don think that will be happening.  Especially since the online course takes 12-15 hours!  Bit after you take their course, you get to go on one diving expedition a day at no charge.  Can't wait to do that!!  You can also learn paddle boarding (that thing where you stand up on a wide board and use a long pole to maneuver) and lessons for wind-surfing!  I really want to learn both of those here in a place where there are virtually no sharks!  You can take paddle-boarding lessons at Hilton Head, but there are sharks everywhere there, so it never appealed to me!  And, speaking of sharks, have you see the youtube video of the windsurfer who had a video attached to his sail and he is smack dab in the middle of a huge number of sharks chasing after him?!  Dang!!  (Can I still say "dang" in New York?)

The day was good, but it didn't start out well.  I was having really bad dreams about my mom.  Not quite at the nightmare level, but pretty bad.  I'd pull myself out of one only to fall right back into it or another one.  Am I going to have bad dreams/nightmares about her all my life?  Even after she's dead? That would be awful.  I hope not.  


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