Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 50 - A 100% Unproductive Day

Dear Reader,

I am working hard to not be angry at myself and tell myself what an awful, worthless person I am. That is my go-to attitude when a day doesn't go well and there's no one else at fault.  I got up okay, but I was so tired!  I got dressed and everything but I did not want to workout until after I had a prayer time, which I had missed the last couple of days.  So I did that and worked a little on a few odds and ends at my desk until my husband came home for lunch. I realized that I was really and truly exhausted and almost went back to bed. That's what I should have done, but instead I laud down with my husband for a nap.  I wasn't able to sleep, though, because... well, I don't want to say that my husband SNORED or anything, but let's just say that it was intermittently quite LOUD in the room! Too loud for me to sleep.  I should have just gotten up and come up to bed. But I tried to think how I could take a very low-energy day and make it still count for something.  I thought about it, but not very thoroughly because what I wound up doing was hitting those lime tortilla chips and a Coke Zero and going through apartment options again.  I was still dong that when my husband came back home.  He said he was so exhausted and asked if I wanted to go out for dinner.  Well, you can guess my answer to that! Then he asked if I wanted to go see God's Not Dead and I said certainly. We went out to eat and then drove to the theater and -- get this -- slept for about 40 minutes in the car before the movie started!  Then we came home and I got in the tub and washed my hair and did one last round looking at apartments.  I've got a list put together and texted it to her earlier and told her to look at which ones she wanted to see tomorrow.  

Then I realized that I had forgotten to read my Bible during the day, so I got in bed and continued in 1 Chronicles, which I'm actually enjoying this time! But now it is almost 1:00 yet again.  Tomorrow will be a super full day with looking at apartments, having a bone density test done, and getting back into town to hear a speech my husband is giving to one of the campus ministries on campus.  It's pretty rare for a president to be a Believer, so they love having him speak once or twice a year and usually invite the other ministries to come join them. 

The movie was, overall, pretty good.  They overplayed some of the characters, of course.  But honestly, the way Christians ate usually characterized in movies, I can't feel too bad about it!  One thing they did that I liked was they had an Islamic man who,found out his daughter was a Christian and he threw her out of the house.  But it shows him collapsing in the hallway, weeping. Earlier he told his daughter how much he loved her, so I liked that they did not paint him as some terrible person and they made him three-dimensional. I think it captured the isolation college freshmen Christians feel when they go away to school and are afraid that they are alone in their faith and everyone will be against them.  They had their protagonist play this out in his,life because everyone else in his classroom signs a paper saying that God is dead.  His parents don't want him to take a chance on making a bad grade in the class which could become a problem when he tried to go to law school.  And his girlfriend just flat out breaks up with him.  So the writers make it as tough on him as any freshman's worst imaginations could be.  

I would say that the antagonist was overplayed as a bad guy if I had not had my own run in with a professor a few years ago, as an adult, who I think could easily be as awful as this professor is portrayed.  My husband and I both laughed when the movie showed his office, because NO professor's office is that big or that lavish!  But I think it captured the idea that he was powerful and contrasted with the students's small dorm room.  There is sub-plot of one pastor and his African missionary friend trying to take a trip. They figure in at the end, but I think it felt too tacked on and extraneous.  Bt, all together, I think it does a good job for it's target market which I assume is,probably 14-20 year olds. 

So,,tomorrow will also be an unproductive day, except that I'll be spending time with my daughter looking for her first apartment.  The evening after I get back will be taken up with the speech.  So maybe I'll get back in track Friday!

I read some in The Energy Bus this morning.   I liked what he said about change can onlymtake place when you both hope and believe that you can change ... and I do.  

Hope,you are doing well!  Wish me and my daughter a good time together tomorrow!


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