Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 46 - Preparing for a Rough Week Ahead!

Dear Reader, 

Today has been a restful day. My husband was coughing so bad during the night that I thought we should not go to church. He is seldom sick, but this round of bronchitis has sure hung around. He doesn't usually get chest infections, I think this may be a first.  For me, every cold turns into bronchitis!  

We have filled out the lease on the apartment for our daughter.  She will be able to move in this week.  Pretty exciting for her!  We were able to get a seven month lease at the same price a twelve month lease would cost, so that's what we did.  My husband worries if she is going to be able to handle living alone.  But, she has now done some designs that will be on billboards!  Isn't that fabulous??

I have a very full week this week. I have to go out of town on two separate days and have the spot compression on Friday.  I plan to be very much on top of my schedule this week. I have to!  There's not that much time left!my husband starts work in about five weeks!  So I have to quit messing around with all this and get busy!  I see the cardiologist on Tuesday about the dysautonomia and the immunologist as well about the chronic idiopathic angioedema.  Hopefully I'll get my bone density test back this week.mi still have to see the genetics department and get in to see the dermatologist for a checkup.   

Today I just slept late and then spent a lot of time doing ... something!  I just don't remember what!  We went with our daughter to dinner and then to see "Noah."  I enjoyed it.  I'm not crazy about his interpretation of the life and times, but I did appreciate the vision the director had and his execution of it.  He did something that I don't think I've seen anyone else do before.  Instead of Noah assuming that he and his family were supposed to repopulate the world, he thinks they are just supposed to take care of the animals until the flood is over and then for them, the last of the human race, to die out because of their wickedness and for how they have ruined the creation they were supposed to care for.  So, my husband and daughter were bored to tears.  If you see it, don't go thinking its an action or drama film. Go, instead, to experience the director's vision and filmography.  Here is a review that I thought was balanced and good: "Why Noah Floats My Boat" in the New Zealand Herald (

I have to do something tomorrow that I hate doing ... I have to be a BOSS. I've been avoiding dealing with my housekeeper on some things she's falling off on.  She is also supposed to have written an essay for me.  "WHAT!?!," you exclaim!  Relax.  Her written language skills are very, very poor and she's never going to pass the GED as they are. So we decided that she would write essays for me to proofread and correct before she takes the test.  

I haven't heard back from the homeless man. With me being a woman and all, it's a little complicated for me to be getting in touch with him.  I talked to the pastor if a church and I know one of their pastors was going to go see him, so hopefully that's worked out and he's getting help through them. I wanted to start tomorrow by getting up at 7:00, and I still might. But it's 12:14am now so I'd better get myself in bed. Have to put together my ever-present to-do list first.  No time for BEING tomorrow!


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