Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 63 - Another Great Day on Vacation!

Dear Reader,

I had the funniest dream last night.  I dreamed that we had moved to our new place, which was a tiny little apartment.  We were hosting our first dinner party and I couldn't get the tables set, I was setting two tables for some reason.  I kept finding that someone had moved things or decided to decorate it their own way, or dishes and silverware would just be missing.  After working SO hard to try to get everything on the tables, our guests arrived.  I was telling them where to sit and what we we reading for dinner when I realized that I had been too busy to get dressed or fix my hair or put on makeup and I was standing in front of them in a long flannel nightgown I used to own, barefoot, and with no makeup on!  So I guess I do have some anxiety over the move after all!  

We had a great day again today, though I don't know what we did all day. We skipped breakfast and had a late lunch, then we came back to our room and napped.  Then we got ready and went to dinner, stopped and listened to a Jamaican/jazz band for a bit and came back and got in the swimming pool for a while and in the hot tub.  Bathed and packed and the day is over.  Where has the time gone?!  You wouldn't believe all the books I brought with me!  All Quiet on the Western Front; Women, Food, and God; The Practice of the Presence of God, (you'll laugh at this one) Ooh La La: a French Woman's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day, a Thomas Pynchon novel (now there's some contrast for you ... Ooh La La to Thomas Pynchon); Gift from the Sea; and The Energy Bus.  Oh, and a John Grisham and a Shape magazine just to round it all off!  And I have gotten almost no reading done at all while we have been here.  Oh!  I also had a nice manicure today.  

I am much better rested than I was before we came.  And pretty relaxed.  I don't know how long it will last, though.  I've started thinking along a different line regarding health while I've been here, and that is cellular health.  I was up too late one night and looked in the mirror and saw that I just looked awful!  I realized that I think in terms of whether or not I can stay up longer, but I should be wondering if it is good for my cells to get so tired.  I mean, we know they are constantly dividing and the shorter the telomeres are, the .. let's see ... What is it that will happen?  The cells will die, or TNT they will start making mistakes when they are dividing ... and is "telomeres" the right word anyway?  Bit I know that you don't want them to get shorter, and what if fatigue at a cellular level does that?  I've already had my mitochondria have a problem for a while, so I know I want to keep,those cells healthy and happy!   So maybe this will help me to quit abusing my body by staying up too late?  

My swelling is almost gone.  The huge inner tube around my stomach is almost completely gone now so I must have been doing something right while we've been here. 

I seem to have turned a corner in how I feel about beautiful younger women.  I just feel happy for them.  Is that weird or what?  Does it mean that I am getting old and grandmotherly?  NO!!!  But maybe it means that I am recognizing the stages of life and I am happy for them that they are in the stage of young beauty.  

I'm not giving up on myself, though.  Not at all. It's strange to be 57 and still be striving to become more than I currently am.  In health, in fitness, in intellect, in style, in beauty, in talent.  It always seemed that people I knew at this age were just DONE! And I am so not.  This may sound silly, bit I saw a girl in black shorts and high heels and a very stylish white blouse and I thought to myself that I could pull that off.  And, realistically, I actually could if I lost at least 15 pounds.  The more the better, of course.  And, well, it would definitely be a look for wearing only when in a foreign country on vacation!   

My swimsuit should be there when I get home, so water aerobics is just around the corner. I need to review my goals after I get home and then by Monday, I'll be down to two months before the move!  Actually, a little less.  

So, that's it for tonight.  Have a great day tomorrow!


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