Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 73 - Snow Day!

Dear Reader,

School was cancelled today because of snow.  You know we Southerners can't drive in that white stuff!  And we have no idea what snow tires are and we can't handle ice at all! Usually there's a run on the supermarkets if snow is in the forecast.  I love snow and have gotten to see more of it this winter than usual, but it know there is much more to come in our future.  We had sleet for hours last night.  Definitely more sleet than I had ever seen before.  It sounded so "winter-y" hitting the windows.  

I got to sleep earlier last night and woke up earlier this morning.  I spent some time on a fabric website and found some fabrics I would love in our new home.  I went ahead and ordered some samples.  I still don't know how it will work decorating the house.  I did want to do it by myself, but now I think it would be better if I had an interior designer to work with, just to help me make decisions if nothing else.  

I finished inventorying my library today except for five books, and there are some that I'm going to move to a different category.  So, I was going along and then stopped to move one book and the whole thing shut down!  I have not backed it u for several days, either!  It's so easy to do that, but I just forgot all about it.  So now I don't know if I've lost all of my entries or not.  It looks like I have run out of iCloud storage.  My husband thinks that we can set me up with a different account from his and that will give me more storage.  I sure hope it works.  I would hate to have lost all that work.  I also got all my books joined up together on the shelves according to category.  I definitely need a third bookcase badly! 

I also finally figured out what Prussia was!  It's been driving me crazy because none of the sites put it into plain language.  But, in 1871 Otto Von Bismarck unified a lot of Germanic groups into the Germanic Empire.  In this empire were four kingdoms: Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, and Wurttemberg.  These comprised the bulk of the Germanic Empire, but there were also duchies, principalities and separate cities.  Alsace-Lorraine was also part of this.  Each of these maintained their own rulers and government, but they (around 27 entities) became part of this empire.  Von Bismarck wasn't of royal descent, so Wilhelm I, who was a grandchild of Queen Victoria, was named the emperor of this amalgamation of peoples.  The area was quite large because it contained what is now Poland.  So, it was not "Germany" who declared war against Russia and France, etc.  it was this German Empire.  So here's the strange thing to me.  This was formed in 1871 and it declared war in 1914.  That's just 43 years later.  I wonder if there was any thought that going to war would help solidify and unify them?  

I'm sure you will sleep better tonight because of having this   straightened out, won't you?!

I'm reading All Quiet On the Western Front now.  Reading it after reading The Regeneration Trilogy is interesting because Western Front is written from the perspective of a German soldier.  

I need to do some tapping tonight!  I'm pretty mad at myself for not handling my time better.  And for eating six Glutino cookies.  And for not exercising!  I'm obviously going to have to not buy those cookies anymore!  It doesn't do any good, though, for me to start hating on myself.  I got caught up in helping my daughter find some professional clothes to wear.  She has one dress, one blouse, one skirt and a few cardigans.  Everything else is standard college girl clothes: jeans and t-shirts and flip-flops.  Loft put their clothes that were already on sale on for another 40-50% off!  That's the kind of sale I look for!

That took more time than I expected as we both shopped and put things in my bag from separate locations and then texted back and forth about what I thought would or would not work.  But I think we've got her some workable outfits now.  She also sent off for another internship to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so an apartment might be in her future after all.  

I have not heard back from the nutritionist or the physical therapist I emailed.  But I did get a call from the rheumatology doctor to set up an appointment.

School is cancelled tomorrow also.  It always feels,like a holiday when this happens because my husband stays home and no one else comes to the house!  It's almost like a normal life!

So, I'm off to bed now.  Not making just tons of progress on my goals, am I?  But at least I do remember what they are and am still focused on them. That's something new for me.  I mean, it's March after all!

Oh, I did one thing fun today.  I thought about what my perfect day in our new town would be.  I would get up and take this beautiful, historic trail 1.4 miles into downtown where I would go to the coffee shop.  There I would have a chai latte, read my Bible and have my prayer time.  Then I would walk to one of the little shops and eat lunch while I read a book.  Then I'd go to,the gourmet grocery store and pick up some things for dinner and then walk 1.4 miles back home. Awesome, huh??

Well, goodnight!  We stayed up late watching The Dallas Buyers' Club.  Matthew McConahey (darn, I was hoping spell check would know how to spell his name!  It's not too much to ask, is it?  I mean, it does know how to spell Von Bismarck!) definitely deserved best actor, but it was a really gritty and ugly movie in sooooo many ways.  He really liked to visit strip clubs!

Okeydoke.  I'm off to do some tapping, read my Bible, and try to find a guided meditation for visualization for weight loss!

Have a great night's sleep!


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