Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 51 - A Busy Day

Dear Reader,

I filmed the little tv show today.  In fact, we wound up filming enough for two different shows because of the amount of research I had done on the house.  I researched more things right up until 45 minutes before we were to start,  I finally stopped and made myself pull it all,together with the new information I had.  It got really interesting.  I learned about a lot of Indian attacks that took place right around where I live?  It was really bad with them killing women and children and scalping them. One family was slaughtered right in this vicinity.  Apparently the French were inciting the Indians against the settlers.  

 Another tidbit of information I came across was about the third owner of the house, who married the daughter of the second owner after the father died.  I found a family who has their geneological records online and they have this family in their family tree.  But they don't know that their was a child born to that marriage, but I have met the daughter who now lives in Houston,  another thing interesting and sad is that this man who was the third owner wound up dying in a Salvation Army in Galveston, Texas.  I sent the family with the website my information with an invitation to compare notes.  

I was so tired by the time the whole thing was finished.  It went on for about three and a half hours with me in high heels!  I was so tired and I hadn't eaten lunch, so I made a couple of wraps with romaine and tomatoes and turkey lunch meat that were good. But I was still a little hungry and I went downstairs and opened a bag of tortilla chips with "just a hint of lime."  Oh my gosh they were good!  I ate too many for sure. They are sitting outside my bedroom now calling me name.  But I am Ulysses strapped to the mast and I shall  NOT give in to temptation!

I laid down to sleep for a while and then had to get up and go to a dinner and a speech. You'll laugh at this.  The speaker was someone famous and highly visible.  You would probably know who it was if I told you.  I got there a little late only to find pictures being taken of my husband and this gorgeous woman who had her arm around his waist. I walked up to them and picked her hand up off of his waist and put it down at her side!  Now the staff and development officers know me well and just started laughing really hard, and the woman laughed, too, which was good since it turned out she was our guest speaker!  I honestly thought it was just one of our students and I was being playful with them. But, nope!  It was this very famous woman!

I can't decide what to do tomorrow, other than knowing I plan to exercise. But I have enough errands to take up the entire day.  But I also want to get back to my study and finish it!  Especially since I have to go to the nearby city and have a bone density rest done and look at apartments with my daughter.  We had a snow storm this morning, so she decided to not go today and to go with me on Thursday.  So, what ibe done is to plan two different schedules for tomorrow.  They both start the same, but them one is the errands and the other is to work in my study with just a few errands that have to be done.  I'll decide on the morning which seems most important to do. 

My left foot is still really hurting.  I think that bone is still out of place and it hurts pretty good.  I'm going to wrap it for tonight.  I have to see the chiropractor tomorrow anyway, so I'll have him work on it, too.  One time when my foot was badly out of joint, he had to hold it in one hand and hammer on the heel with his fist!  I was yelling it hurt so bad, and probably terrified patients in the waiting room!  The other reason I have to go in is because the young woman who taped my back up the other day used the wrong tape. There is no getting this stuff off of me and it would take my skin off with it if I ripped it off. So I'm going to have to have them soak it with oil or something yo get it yo come off. I don't think it's going to be a BIT of fun!

I'm super tired so there's no time for "deep thoughts" and I'm going on to bed!  I've been too busy all day for reflection. I hope you have a great day tomorrow and a restful evening.  


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