Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 60 - Quick Review and a Fresh Start

Dear Reader,

Well, since I lost last night's entry, I'll just do a quick review of the most recent things that have transpired.  

1.  Health Issues.  My doctor tried to get me an appointment with the large research hospital nearby to see if I have the connective tissue I've been wondering about.  Well, the rheumatology department we met through all my records with my doctor here and their doctors and want me to go to their genetics department instead.  So that. Should be interesting.  I still need to get my mammogram done and see the dermatology doctor for a regular screening.  

2.  Jamaica as you know was wonderful. All my swelling went down, almost gone, but not quite.  It's higher again today but not to the levels it was before leaving.  The fifteen hour trip coming back kind of undermined the effect of getting a lot of rest while we were there.  Were both worn out again!

3.  The Ball was last night and it was great.  Amazing and fabulous new venue and our room was fantastic!  We had 350 in attendance, our highest numbers yet. The band was great and we danced a lot. I was in a ton of pain last night, but it eased up after soaking in a tub alternating between cold and hot water for a long time, 40 mg or prednisone, and two Advil.  The joint on the top, center of my left door came out of place and was hurting and stinging like the mischief, but it's hone back in place last night.  

4.  My Ball Gown was both gorgeous and a disaster!  On,y one of the dresses I ordered got in? I already had it in my head what my backup plan would be if the dresses didn't work.  But the one dress that arrived fit and was beautiful and very flattering and I even already had the perfect jewelry for it.  I tried it on quickly Saturday morning then out it back in its bag and packed it in my suitcase.  I got to the hotel and started ironing it and saw that it was simply COVERED with dog hair and a woman's hair!  About 6 inches each piece, white and very curly!!  The dress has a lot of ruffled layers on it and everything from the foundation fabric to the front AND back of each ruffle was covered with hair!!!  They obviously sold me a dress that had been sold before and returned, after wearing it to BRUSH their dog apparently!!!  I happened to have thrown a roll of sticky tape into my suitcase and it was a good thing because I used up 2/3 of a large roll getting the hair out,  I was never able to get it all out, but I finally got enough that I was presentable. I really can't tell you how disgusting it was!  I thought about my daughter who is more of a germaphobe than I am.  She would not have been able to wear it, period.  I was so upset and grossed out.  Because cleaning to up and ironing it took up so much time, I wasn't able tap put my hair up like I had planned and just had to wear it down.  

Fresh Start.  While in Jamaica, everything about my life seemed so simple and I was so ready to get back here and just charge right in.  But the last three days have put my feet back on the cold, hard ground of reality.  NOTHNG is going to be quick or easy, and I just have to keep working in order of priorities and try to be wise with my time.  I am trying to show myself a little more love now.  I flossed and all that this evening, and it actually felt great! And I decided to put on my makeup and fix my hair first thing each morning instead of just waiting and waiting until it's convenient.  

Goodnight.  I hope tomorrow will be a great start for your upcoming week!


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