Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 52 - Part Deux, or: How I Wasted Time Tonight!

Dear Reader, 

It's almost midnight and I am not asleep yet ... obviously!  So I decided to figure out how I wasted time this evening.  I came upstairs at the right time, but I got in bed with my husband before taking my bath just to be with him as he fell asleep. Then I did a lot more research for an apartment for my daughter and texting back and forth with her.  She is going to look at the ones I've found tomorrow and is very nervous about it.  I played a Free Cell game, I went downstairs and got a soy/peach yogurt to eat.  Hmmmm, I know I did some other things, but I can't think of them yet.  I'm not quite sure that I can consider the apartment-looking time as a complete waist since it did yield a small complex that I had missed.  Perfect location, good price, and described in one magazine as being one of the most beautiful vintage apartments in the city.  

I'm in the bath now and washing my hair and then going straight to sleep.  Oh, I also sent a Facebook message to an alumni who has come out.  I didn't get around to contacting the homeless man today. I really need to check on him tomorrow.  A lot depends on whether his probation officer will let him transfer his probation to a different city.  

I have a joint out in my foot again.  Not the same foot as the other night, and it's a different joint that has never come out before.  It's painful, but not that bad. Hope it goes back in place tonight.  I've been more careful about keeping my blood volume up, drinking more water and increasing my salt intake. 

I have to do the little television historical show tomorrow afternoon.  I made some calls and learned a lot more about the house.  Tomorrow I have to get right up and start pulling it all together.  I learned, for instance, that a former family who owned the house has a fictionalized role in what might could be called a Southern Gothic trilogy written in the '20's by a woman who, even by today's standards would be considered bad!  She grew up in a mansion in our town in a house owned by this family who at one time owned the house we live in!  But I don't think it was actually our house.  I don't think the years work out, and her house is described as antebellum and ours is not.  Here's something funny you'll like.  An older woman in town doesn't like our house because the daughter of the family I am obliquely referencing told her, in what is now our son's room, that there was no Santa Claus!

I did exercise again today and really enjoyed it.  I didn't do those scorpions, though.  I'm trying a new morning schedule:  dressed, makeup, hair; exercise; chance clothes and out on jewelry, etc.; and then pray and read my Bible.  Found out it takes me twelve minutes to put on my makeup, not five like I thought.  

So, in thinking it's about tine to start panicking!  Time is starting to race by!

I think I can sum up what I was trying to say this morning, and that is:  mediocre days do not yield an extraordinary life.  

That's it for now.  Slightly mad at myself for spending too much time looking for apartments, but I'm going to let it slide!  

The college where we are going put out an article in a magazine about how the Board hired "a Southerner"!  They have a bunch of photos, including three with me. I am wearing three different hairstyles and two different hair colors!!!  One of them is the WORST picture ever taken of me here or anywhere else!  I have almost no makeup on because I overslept the morning my husband was opening a huge dormitory he built.  I rolled out of bed and threw in a dress and mascara, ran a brush through my hair and dashed.  Missed the ceremony and the pictures, but a photographer snapped off one picture of us together.. We had just gotten back from a white-water rafting vacation (FABULOUS fun!).  At some point during one of our trips, I got hit right beneath my lower lip with the handle of an oar.  So my lip and the area between Italy the chin is all swollen and bruised.  And not only that, but my hair is RED from a mistake my hairdresser made and worked and worked to fix.  But the best she could do was get it to a fairly bright red. And THIS is one if the pictures they had to use!  Ah, the pain of wounded pride!

Alrighty then. Off to bed!


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