Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 70 - A Pretty Productive Day

Dear Reader, 

Well, I'm back and shall try to not "select all" and then accidentally touch the X button!

Horace said, "He who has made a beginning has half the job done."  But he obviously had never dealt with iPhone apps!  I had the WHOLE job done, and then lost it because or an "irreparable error".  The new book inventory ap seems to be working well, although it did just now occur to me that I have not backed up any of the work I did today. My brain and my eyes were so tired from re-entering so many books.  Having to find the ISBN number and input it when it is an old book without a bar code (gasp!) is tiresome business.  Some of my books are so old that they don't have an ISBN number at all, just a Library of Congress number.   I didn't finish it all, but I did get the two bottom cabinets cleaned out and they look great now.  I've just been throwing things in for years now.  I also have gotten a lot of work done on things that had piled up in a corner of the study.  The binder labels and magazine holders got in today, but it didn't have time to finish them up.  I did work my way through a notebook that had me very confused.  Sure enough, it had notes in it from four different versions of a Bible study I wrote a few years ago.  I've gotten enough done in the study to start planning my next job, and I think it will be a portion, a small portion, of the basement.  My closet is so bad that I would rather work in the BASEMENT than work in it!

So, the extra four inches around my waist was, indeed, a reaction.  Since the Glutino cookies are the thing I've eliminated, I'm guessing that there are no more of those wonderful little 50 calorie morsels of joy in my future.  Just as well guess.  They were so good that they were really hard to resist.  I had lost three and a half inches by the next morning, and my weight was approximately the same.  Still 6 (or 7) pounds over where I was.  It was frustrating that, once I finally made the decision that getting back to cardio at the Y was non-optional, we get snowed in!  School was cancelled today also!  But I measured my abdominal area ("gut"!) and it is two inches larger.  So, the question is, is this swelling from a reaction, too ... or is this where the extra 6 (or 7) pounds are?  I'm afraid it is the latter.  

Tomorrow is going to be a really rough day.  It's my daughter's birthday and she is starting her internship tomorrow.  We bought her a beautiful pair of classic, black pumps this evening for her to wear now that she is working in a professional environment.  She loved them!  So, I have to get up EARLY tomorrow (7:30!) to see her off.  Then I have to pack for our week in Jamaica, run last minute errands, go see my mother to tell her goodbye and pick up my daughter's birthday present, wrap her presents, and leave by 3:00 to drive to "the big city" and pick her up, then go pick up our son, and then meet my husband who is flying in from Washington, D.C. at a restaurant for her birthday celebration.  Then I'll take our son back home, drive back home, and finish getting ready for our trip, go to bed and then LEAVE at 4:30 SATURDAY MORNING!! What kind of a start to a vacation is that???!  But we can't wait to be off together, just the two of us.  Our daughter usually accompanies us on vacation, so this will be great.  

Do I feel bad about leaving her by herself her first week of working at this internship and her having to drive back and forth?  What kind of a question is that?!  YES, of course I do!  But, that's just the way things have worked out, so I guess she'll have to handle this on her own ... like the adult she likes to think she is!  

Our plans for our vacation are simple: eat, drink, sleep, swim and doze and repeat!  With some "dot, dot, dot" thrown in for,good measure!  If I work at it, maybe I can swim a lot and be ready to start swimming when we get back.  The only problem with swimming is that the flutter kick frequently outs my ankle out of joint and often strains the tendons at the front of the ankle, making it very painful.  I'm not sure what to do about that.  

But speaking of joints coming out of place, my sacro-iliac joint on my left side came out yesterday from working on the floor on my cabinets.  I had forgotten how bad that pain is!  It continued all evening and was spasming by the time I went to bed.  I took 40 mg of prednisone (oh ... I have to order more prednisone for the trip) and a couple of tylenols and got on the heating pad and prayed!  I was so grateful the next morning to find that it had slipped back into place during the night!  I was much more careful today and didn't get on the floor while I worked.  

I did, however, get on the floor to WORK OUT!  I added in some more things today.  It is great being able to actually tell that I am getting stronger.  I'm walking up our stairs so much more easily now than I was in January!  

I have misplaced my "All Quiet on the Western Front" so I'm starting in on "The Guns of August" which is supposed to be the best history book ever written.  I started the first chapter and am already wishing I had sprung for the more expensive editin because I can already tell it is going to be amazing.  

My husband gave me a book to read after he finished it called "The Energy Bus."  It's one of these self-improvement books written in a metaphor manner.  I find that kind of annoying and too contrived but am enjoying it anyway.  I suspect my husband gave it to me because he thinks I complain too much!  The book is all about having positive energy, building your team, etc.  it's really for management and people in business.  I don't have a team and am not in nuisances, but there's still a lot of good stuff in there for me.  

I have to decide what books to download for the vacation.  I am usually a hard copy girl, I like an actual book in my hands.  But for this trip, I do see the advantage of having books on my iPad.  Right up until it gets stolen, that is!

Oh!  I also have to order my Xanax before I go!!!  I have been able to go to sleep the last three nights without it, but I know that that is an aberration.  Hopefully one that will become the norm, however!

Oh, and one last thing before I say good night.  I came across the first book I tried to write back when I was in my twenties.  I read the opening chapter and it's pretty darn good!  

Well, that's my daily report.  Progress?  Yes, I think so.  

Have a great Friday!


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