Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 77 - No Surgery!

Dear Reader,  

I saw the endocrinologist today.  He says that I have the beginnings of hyper-parathyroidism, but it wouldn't be of any use at this point to do anything about it.  As I understand, one of my parathyroid glands has become overactive and has probably begun the process of cell multiplication, but not to the size of a tumor yet.  He says that their research shows that there is no benefit to the patient from removing anything at this point.  He is going to refer me to a specialist in Manhattan who he says is one of the top experts in the nation.  I'll need my calcium levels checked yearly and a bone density test every other year.  I had one two years ago and it was normal, which also makes him feel that I am in the very beginning stage of this and that the levels of calcium in my blood are not sufficient to cause the fatigue I experience.  So, good news and not so good news.  I wanted a quick fix, and this sounded like it would be that.  But I also don't want to have surgery on my neck!  

I was so tired driving there and back.  I'm looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow for sure!  

I was going to start in the basement "no matter what" tomorrow . . . but I don't think I will.  I just really really REALLY want to finish my study!  I may spend a little time down there, but most of it will be in the study.  I have one notebook out that I have to go through.  It looks like maybe I was writing one Bible study, but kept grabbing sections out of others and throwing the, in.  I suspect that is because I was probably rushing each week like crazy and didn't have time to  put lessons together right.  But I've got to get it figured out tomorrow! 

Didn't exercise ... for real didn't have time.  Came in to town and went straight to a movie theater to meet my husband and then to dinner.  Will probably work out tomorrow, but my OCD will be high because I didn't get to work any at all today.

We saw Liam Neison in "Non-Stop" tonight.  It was really good!  I tore off seven fingernails during it!  This has become my new standard for rating movies ... how many fingernails I lost!

Okay, now here's something you need to know.  If you or someone you know has kidney stones, they need to have their blood calcium levels checked.  High blood calcium is a cause of kidney stones!  Who would have thought of that.  

Well, I'm going to bed now.  I came up with a great movie idea on the way home this evening.  I've always said my husband and I could write better screenplays than most of the movies we see, if we could just come up with a plot.  Well ... I did!  And it's actually very unique and has some great plot twists. I'm excited about it.  If it only weren't for being so lazy!!!

Have a fantastic weekend!  And, while were on the subject (oh, we weren't?) why is the Loft letting me down right now??? They usually have such fantastic sales, but right now they've got next to nothing and the sales they have aren't very good.   Our daughter starts her internship this week and has next to no professional clothes!



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