Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 100 - Not a Wasted Day, But not a Good One Either

Dear Reader, 

Aargh!  I didn't get anything much accomplished today either.  I did get up early and got my kitty to the vet.  She has now been fixed, been given a rabies shot and now has a locator chip in her.  That's a big relief!  The vet said they have meds they can give us to sedate the animals on the trip to New York.  

I found a nice spa today and had a really enjoyable facile, complete with a foot massage.  The aesthetician was really nice, the price was okay, and it lasted a full hour.  So, I did pull off another "Pamper Me" Wednesday.  I forgot to tell my counselor about doing this.  I think she will be pleased.  She really feels like it is going to do us worlds of good to get away from our children and my mother. 

I had an uncomfortable conversation with my mother.  It was one of those times when she was not acting bizarre or hostile, just showing her extremely poor social skills.  She was also having a hard time remembering words and kept an extremely egocentric attitude to anything I said.  I spend some time before each call trying to think about something to talk to her about.  Almost anything leads her somehow to an unltra-conservative, right-wing attack on the government and the world today.  That or how she wishes God would let her die!  So, today I tried telling her about some this I learned about World War 1.  She kept interrupting me to tell me about someone she knew who had this or that happen to them in World War 2.  I finally gave up pretty much and just listened to her tell the same stories she's told me for forty years at least.  

I did wash and wax my car today at an automatic place.  That's something else I've been neglecting to do.  I dressed nice today in a skirt and cardigan with my cute suede booties. I always count actually getting dressed as a win.  

After I came hem from picking my kitty up, I got her all settle and then at my lunch and finished a not-very-good novel I read.  It was set during a World War 1 and had to do with the facial disfigurement some men had from shrapnel.  I looked it up online and was horrified.  Some of those men had their faces just blasted off in ways you would not possible.  One young fellow had his two eyes, but the rest of his face looked like he had a bomb in his mouth that exploded.  I don't see how they lived at all.  And thy didn't live well.  Plastic surgery came into its own during this time trying to sew the men's faces back together.  In the novel it was using words like, "unimaginable" and "horrific", but none of that prepared me for what they meant.  Many of them could not go out in public because they would have started people screaming, so they wouldn't leave their homes.  I read that tens of thousands of veterans in Britain alone committed suicide after returning home, about the same number went insane and were out in mental asylums, and about the same number were reduced to begging because they were missing arms and legs and couldn't work.  Britain basically just turned their backs on them.  They even refused to pay a soldier's pension to the family if he committed suicide because they insisted their death was not caused by the war!  Yes, it made my jaw drop, also.  They were eventually made to do so, but I wonder how much harm they caused families in the meantime.  Apparently retreat centers sprang up where men  with sever facial disfigurement could stay and get out of the public eye.  You know, you think of war as taking a person's life, or limb; but not their face!  Some lost their ears, their nose and lips and jaws and were unable to speak, hear, or talk and scarcely eat. It casts a different light on our modern VA hospital system!  Maybe it's not so bad after all.  

I also read that one country planted huge xbombs in the ground which would blow tremendous craters when triggered.  After the war, they raised that they couldn't remember where these bombs were!!  Eventually, several  years later, one of them detonated, but two of them at still out there somewhere!  

All of the five leaders of the Third Reich were in WW1, except for Himmler. Wasn't he in charge of the African campaign or something? It is speculated that they went insane during the war, which led to their actions after the war.  

I've been trying to learn about WW1 because I believe that a lot our current social evils and ills derive their roots from the conflict.  Did you know that Britain lost 60,000 men in one/half he of a single battle?  How do you even comprehend those sets of numbers??

After I pulled myself away from researching this, it was time to 
It dinner on and go hear a speech my husband gave.  It was really good, as always! He really needs to finish a book he has started on leadership.  

I didn't eat badly EXCEPT for eating a lot of Nutella when we got home from the speech.  I love,that stuff!

I'm upset wth my housekeeper and am going to have to talk to he some more.  She didn't  come into work again today.  Said she had vomited and was going to see her doctor.  It was just mild food poisoning, but she still didn't come on in for a half day.  I don't think she really understands that she has limited sick days!  I think she's already taken four days so far, and were not even a month and a half into the year.  Also big very absent minded about a lot of things and not doing a thorough job.  Frustrating!!  She is still being unfocused when she works and doing lots of things wrong.  I'm going to have to talk to her about this again tomorrow, which I hate doing!

Well, that's it for my day.  Woke up and got up well.  Got dressed and took cat in.  Found a spa and had a facial.  Picked up BBQ for dinner.  Researched WW1, went to my husbands speech after dinner, washed my hair, took care of my kitty and got in bed at a pretty decent time.  Not bad, but I still have so many things to do that I haven't started.  I really need to make tomorrow count!

Hope you've had a fine day!  


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