Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 93 - Going to Sleep More Easily!

Dear Readers, 

I'm quite frustrated at the moment.  I'm trying to pair a Bluetooth keyboard to my iPad.  It appears to be undiscoverable!  I have been trying quite a while now, but am now giving up.  It appears that it may need new batteries, as best as I can figure out.  So, maybe tomorrow.  

I have had, overall, a couple of good days.  I exercised Monday and enjoyed it, but did not yesterday and today.  I need to read u more on the house, but it appears that I left everything outside in the car.  So that will have to wait till tomorrow, which is causing my to-dos for tomorrow to mount up precipitously!  I did go out today and bought new house plants for my downstairs since the housekeeper killed all of mine.  I'm about to give up on getting her to work in an organized and orderly fashion.  I think she wants to, but has no mental discipline and so loses her focus consistently.  It's like her mind just darts all over the place and she follows it around.  I'm trying to decide how much she is capable of changing this.  If I can help her, I want to.  But if she can't improve, then I want to quit trying. I don't want to keep trying to get from her something that is impossible for her.  She got frustrated with a physical plant worker today, and I had to explain to her that what she was trying to get him to do was actually her responsibility.  I only have three more months!  

Speaking on only having three more months ... I ONLY HAVE THREE MORE MONTHS!!!  I almost have the surface of my desk cleaned off.  It is in a large upstairs foyer with no door and no way to have any privacy.  So she interrupts me all the time, and my daughter did too.  It's okay, with my daughter, but I don't really have time to listen to stories about physical plant workers!  And, this is why I have two studies!  I cleaned out a very small room that we weren't really using and made it my second study/real study because it has a DOOR on which I have two "Privacy Please!" signs!  The theory is for no one to bother me when the door is closed, though that really only works in theory, not in practice.  

SO ... how is my eating and nutrition going?!  Well, ask that bag of kettle chips which I mostly consumed today!  I was racing out the door to a hair appointment and made a wrap really fast to take with me and just grabbed up the bag of chips to take with me in the car ... which turned out to not be a good idea!  I love kettle chips so much, and I do need a lot of salt ... but I definitely ate way too many today.  

I went to the dentist yesterday finally for a cleaning.  I've probably had five cleanings in my life!  Before you gross out, though, realize that I have amazing teeth and when I do go home, there's very little for them to clean.  I've never had a cavity even though I never even saw a dentist until I was 16!  But, I did go I yesterday in and they said I do actually have some very small, very shallow cavities in each of my upper wisdom teeth, the ones that were not removed at the time my lower wisdom teeth were removed.  I don't want to risk having a major allergic reaction, so I'm not going to use any pain killer or anesthesia when I do it.  I don't know if I'm allergic to lidocaine or not and I don't want to take any chances.  They said that they are shallow enough that I may be able to handle it.  We'll find out! 

They are sending me to an orthodontic surgeon to look at a lump in my jaw.  I've had the lump for years and saw a specialist a long time ago who did an MRI and said, "Yep!  There's a lump there!"  And that was pretty much it.  He didn't want to biopsy it because there was a real risk of cutting a facial nerve.  That's been more than a decade ago so I wanted to see if someone else might have an idea.  It appears to be in the salivary gland.  The dentist said this guy operates all the time and so might know something about what it could be.  

I haven't posted the last two nights because I was actually SLEEPY and went to bed and actually fell asleep!  It was amazing!  And I felt GOOD most of yesterday which was super nice!  I'm really enjoying clearing off my desk so much. I was sitting there thinking about how nice it was and why did I quit using it.  But then, I got interrupted over and over again and remembered!

So, that's it for tonight.  I have a very full day tomorrow.  There's a lot of things that I'm close to having finished.  It would be so great if I got through a lot of them tomorrow before the people got here!

I hope you are doing well!



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