Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 79 - All Work and No Play ...

... makes Lisa grumpy and glum!

Okay, I am now sick of inventorying my library!  I almost finished the first bookcase today, but my phone ran out of juice with four books left to go.  It is definitely taking longer than I thought it would.  Tomorrow I will log in those four books and put the remaining stacks that are on the floor in the book case and then start on the notebooks on the bottom shelf of the credenza.  I'm kind of looking forward to going through those.  I literally sometimes forget what I've written so far, so it will be fun/discouraging to take a look at it all again.  I haven't opened those notebooks in quite a while! 

I scheduled out the entire order of going through my study and I am so far sticking to the order.  I HATE doing this.  I don't like sticking with one task at all.  I don't even like to put all of my makeup on at one time and sometimes put it on in intervals mixed with other things!  I don't think it's ADD, but whatever it is, it is driving me crazy.  I prefer to flit from one thing to another, but keeping on task this long is very unusual of me.  I really want to be finished by the end of the week.  It is remotely possible, but not realistic since I have to go to see the endocrinologist Friday.  That's a minimum of three hours right there.  But, whether I am finished or not, I am moving to the basement on Saturday.  

We had movers come in today, and it was harrowing!  We have SO MUCH STUFF!!! Thirty-six years of marriage will do that.  The basement is a pure-D disaster!  I don't know how I'm going to get it all sorted out and organized.  I mean, I know I will, but it seems overwhelming just looking at it.  I'll divide it into sections and take it on section by section.  We leave in ten days to go on a vacation to Jamaica for a week.  And then there will be two months left.  Is that right?  Yes, I guess so.  That doesn't sound nearly as bad as I thought it was.  And I remembered that I have already sorted through everything in the parlor, also, so that's another room that is finished.  It's not been inventoried and has a lot of my special things, but I'm going to not go back until I've sorted through the rest of my things.  

My eating today was fine.  I've definitely become a morning tea drinker, something I never would have believed would happen.  And, since I keep forgetting to pick up Coke Zero, I may have started to break my habit of having one can at lunch if I am eating at home.  I cooked fish for dinner and, I don't know if my temperature was up too high under the skillet or what, but it did not turn out well at all.  I had three Glutino cookies, but no Nutella. I love Nutella and occasionally will eat up to three teaspoons of it just straight from the jar.  It has such a strong taste, that it really hits the chocolate and sweet cravings for not very many calories.  

I did get in some exercising this evening.  I'm sure about thirty minutes.  I am definitely getting stronger.  I can hole planks a lot longer and I can do the side planks now and do ten dips on each side while holding the position.  And when I do reverse crunches, my butt does actually come up off the ground a little bit.  Before it was more just wishful thinking!  My personal strategy for dealing with injury tends to be to ignore it and pretend that it will go away.  That's what I've been doing with my right shoulder, but just those planks and twenty easy push-ups have it hurting bad again.  What I really need to do is go to the prolotherapist and have some injections done in it and in my right wrist.  My right wrist has been messed up because of a trainer I had for a while for ... guess how long?  TWO YEARS, that's how long!  When I put ip,y head in the sand, I put it in deep!  

It's just now 11:00 pm and the only thing I have left to do is to make a to-do list for tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be getting to sleep earlier tonight which will be great!

I had a fuss with my daughter this afternoon and she took off in a huff, taking her clothes with her to stay with someone tonight.  It's not a huge thing, and she started texting me casually after a few hours.  But it made me realize how much I'm going to miss her after we move.  

Well, I guess that's enough for now.  Still hitting the nails and cuticles pretty hard.  

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!


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