Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 78 - Nothing Much to Report

Dear Reader, 

I was so anxious last night that it was hard for me to go to sleep.  But I did get a lot of sleep and woke up in a much better mood, thank goodness!

Oh, and last night I ordered a very inexpensive athletic swimsuit off of Amazon, it only cost $19.00. I think I'm actually starting to look forward to getting back into the water. I for sure will be after we get back from Jamaica!

I see the endocrinologist tomorrow at last.  

I chewed on some nails, but used cuticle scissors instead of biting my cuticles.  Progress??

I ate fine today and had a big salad for dinner.  

I didn't exercise.  Had a luncheon and met with the artist who will be painting my husband's portrait for the university.  That was fun.  She took a lot of photos of him and we went through them all together.  I liked her a lot.  But that took a chunk out of my day.  I also had to go to the grocery store to get dinner, so I ran out of time to exercise.  

I called another moving company to come give us a price.  

I got a good night's sleep, but had a spell of weakness hit me this afternoon and I had to lay down for a good while.  It got a little better after a while, but then bad again after dinner.  I don't know what caused it.  

I tried putting the labels on all my ring binders, but it was almost impossible to put the clear plastic and the label into the slots for them.   Just about lost it trying!  I can't use the 2" labels I got and had to order more of the one inch.  Using the metal magazine holders to hold up the notebooks worked really well, and I have ordered two more of them.  I got as much done as I had supplies for, and it is making such a great difference in how the whole shelf looks.  Can't wait to get it finished after the things I ordered get here.  

One notebook is in such a jumble that I can't figure it out.  I'm going to have to go through it carefully and figure out what in the world I was doing.  I'm not sure what my next step is supposed to be, but it doesn't matter because I'm going to have to get on the road quickly tomorrow.  

Our daughter got over her snit and came back home this evening like nothing had happened.  

And that is it for now. I started reading All Quiet on the Western Front yesterday.  And my husband brought a book home for me to read called The Energy Bus.  He says it's a little trite, but has some good things in it.  

So, have a great night of sleep and a wonderful FRIDAY!!


P.S.  Am I really going to quit working in my study to start on the basement Saturday?  I'm more than half way through and hate to stop, but I might decide to hit the basement hard Saturday and then come back to the study on Monday.  My mind might could use a break.  

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