Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 83 - Last Home Basketball Game

Dear Reader,

Today was, in many ways, a lovely day.  I slept in and then stayed in bed and read up on the history of New York.  I also spent some time looking at the map on Google and trying to familiarize myself with the area.  I also looked longingly at the long stretch of tiny, thin islands just off the coast of Long Island. They have several long, thin state parks on them and I can't wait to explore them.  I can't imagine what a beach off the coast of New York will be like.  I love the ocean and grew up on the Gulf Coast of Texas. I can tell you what the beach is like there ... awful!  The sand is dirty and the water is brown and you can't see into it at all!  Where we lived there was a dike and, at the entrance to the dike, the fishermen used to hang up all the sharks they caught just off the dike.  8 and 10 feet sharks!  I remember hammer heads, because they were the only ones I knew the name of, but there were always others hanging there as well.  For some reason, my parents loved going out to this dike on weekends during the summer. They would set up a tent on the beach and make me and my brothers and cousins go out in the water and "play."  I don't know about everyone else, but I HATED it!  The water was so dirty and there were a lot of crabs that would pinch you all of a sudden.  I alway startled and scared me because I would think at first, that they were a shark.  

My first trip to Destin, Florida, was AMAZING.  Because the water was so clear, I realized that I would be able to actually SEE a shark if it attacked me, and that was such a relief to me that I wasn't afraid anymore.  We mostly go to Hilton Head now.  The water isn't so clear there, though, but the area is so much less commercialized than Destin that we go anyway.  

So, what can a beach in New York be like?  Will it be blazing hot?  Dark water?  White sand?  I can't wait to find out!  

My day did not go at all as planned.  I think a definition of love could be:  for whom will you drop you schedule in order to be with them?  Well, my husband and kids are those people and I changed all of my plans for the day because, pretty shortly after I got out of bed, our son called and said he was on the way down to visit (and get money, of course.)  We had a good talk on the phone about the dream I had night before last and then, after he got here, we all went to lunch and had a great time.  A baby started squalling and we asked to be moved immediately.  He can't stand crying babies in restaurants and movies, or their poorly behaving parents

By the time we got back from lunch, I had to change clothes and we had to go straight to an event and then back-to-back basketball games ... and we lost each of them!  These were the last home games, so the last games we will attend in our basketball center.  The last time we will gather with the band, the team, cheerleaders, and dance team to sing the Alma Mater.  I could have cried when we walked out!  

During half time of the second game, I drove to a Taco Bell and got their veggie Cantina Bowl.  It's one of the few fast foods that I can eat.  Well ... not so much tonight!  I swelled up so big in my belly and then I had a patch of taste buds drop off of my tongue.  Weird, huh?  It's called geographic tongue, and you can just all of a sudden have a patch of taste buds fall off and leave that area of the tongue as slick as a whistle.  They grow back, but the area hurts and stings pretty badly until they do.  I have no idea why I reacted that way, but I took it in stride and didn't let it upset me. 

I'm getting more serious about the idea of getting a nutritionist plan about a month's worth of meals for me.  My staple meal is fish, rice, a cooked green vegetable, and a fresh garden salad.  Nice!  But not night after night after night!  

I only had THREE Glutino oreo cookies today!  Yeah!

Three of my nails did not fair so well today, however.  At the event, someone started giving a speech and I started worrying with a nail.  Before the night was over, I had taken them back down to the quick and torn off one cuticle.  

I didn't exercise today because our son arrived before I had done so (even though I was in my exercise clothes).  We got home at 3:37 and had to leave at 4:00 and didn't get back until 10:00 pm.  The good thing is that this leaves Sunday clear, except that I will need to go see my mother tomorrow, but other than that I'm free.  I'm pretty sure we're skipping church again.  We're really tired, my husband especially.  He's having to deal with a sticky problem at work and it's worrying at him and keeping him from sleeping well.  He needs to come down like a load of bricks on some people, but won't do that because that's not how he leads.  So trying to figure our exactly how to handle it and how tough to be has been on his mind a lot.  But that's the sort of thing that makes him such a fantastic leader.  

But, back to the exercise issue.  I spent some time today thinking about it and came up with something very surprising.  I actually LIKE exercising!  I like the workouts I'm doing, I like the music, I like the way I feel when I workout.  In other words, I realized that I actually WANT to workout!  This changes everything.  Instead of being a chore that I have to MAKE myself do, this will become something I make sure happens because I want to do it. And this realization all came about because of something I read online where a person talked about how hard it was to get herself to go to yoga classes, and her teacher told her to focus on just getting to the mat.  My own teacher has said that before, but it really struck me today in a different way.  I think this is going to change things for me.  

I spent some time looking through a workout ap I downloaded some time ago. I don't know what I paid for it, but it was worth it.  It's called Bodyweight and is by a guy called Mark Lauren.  It has present workouts and then it has just a whole lot of exercises for you to scroll through with a video of him illustrating each one.  There are a lot I don't think I can do until I get my shoulder better, but I looked at all his core exercises and they look amazing!  I can't wait to try some tomorrow.  

I didn't get anything done on preparing to move today.  I ate well, but I'm so swollen that I feel like I pigged out terribly.  I've started wondering about doing the maple syrup lemonade drink again.  I did it for five days one time and then three days a couple of weeks later.  It was okay.  I didn't lose any weight, but I DID become allergic to LEMONS!!!

I realized that my body has to deal with the consequences of what my mind decides.  To change my body, I have to first change my mind.  I remember a long time ago I did the Diet Center diet.  In other words, I basically starved for ten weeks!   I don't approve of their program, at least as it was back in the 80's, but they did have a cassette tape you were to listen to each and every day.  It was basically a visualization/hypnosis tape.  I can't find where I put it now, and I can't find it online.  But I did that there are a LOT of sites on visualization and weight loss that I look forward to reading through this week.  

I'm trying to decide how to steal a big, gorgeous cushion from my daughter's bedroom to use as a meditation cushion!  I gave it to her a few years ago and it's just beautiful!  Teal with all kinds of beautiful embroidery on it.  She's not using it except as a place for her stuffed animals!  I'd like to start working to re-incorporate meditation in my life and am thinking about trying to do it ONCE A WEEK and then go from there.  

Well, I'm off to sleep.  SO TIRED.  And, no wonder.  It's after 1:00 am!  I had, of course, no idea!  

Have a wonderful day tomorrow/ today!


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