Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 81 - Inflammation!

Dear Reader,

Still trying to figure out how to type this in bed using the ipad and keyboard without hurting my wrist. 

I am apparently having a systemic inflammatory response.  Yeah, me!  It all started with eating that Cantina Bell Bowl at Taco Bell Saturday night.  My stomach is still swollen huge.  It's really strange because it's not my stomach that is swelling, like you might think.  It is actually the tissues and flesh that are swelling.  The result is NOT a muffin top.  It is so beyond a muffin top that its ridiculous. Then today, by bedtime, I was hurting all over.  My knees, my elbows, everywhere in general.  I strained the tendons at my ankle today just walking around the house, so that's not fun.  I went ahead and took 40 mg. of Prednisone and then took a hot bath with a LOT of Epsom salts and a cup of baking soda.  I'm not sure what the baking soda is for, but what I read said to add it with the Epsom salts, so I did.  I took a couple of Tylenol and am sitting here with a pillow under my knees to keep them bent.  I thought I was going to have to wake my husband up to get me out of the tub because my right knee especially was killing me.  I should tell you about my right knee, I guess.  I have a torn meniscus, and I have a chunk of cartilage that has broken out and is just loose inside my knee.  Surgery is too complicated, so I'm going to just keep dealing with it.  The torn piece of cartilage was being very problematic because it kept slipping in between my knee bones and it would be, just all of a sudden, like I had no joint at all and the two bones were just slipping around on each other.  It looked like I was going to have to have surgery, but after a while, it seemed to just settle down somewhere and doesn't seem to be floating around any where.  So crisis averted.  

I sent a long email to my physical therapist telling her what I was looking for in terms of conditioning training.  After I hear back from her, I'll check with the insurance company and see if they will pay for it.  

I finally got my doctor's nurse and she's going to take care of the endocrinologist and rheumatologist appointments.  I rescheduled my mammogram.  I had to cancel it because of a trip and then forgot to reschedule it.  

I got started on getting the furniture fixed that we need to have repaired before we leave.  The guy came to get the credenza today and says he'll have it back Friday, which is amazing!  He's going to have to replace the top, but all together, he's still only charging $400.  

I couldn't get through to any moving companies.  They kept putting me on hold, and I don't do well on hold.  Thirty seconds is about my limit.  So I kept hanging up and calling a different one and getting put on hold again!  

Last night I sent an email to a registered dietician in the large city nearby and explained to her what I was looking for (menus for 30 days:  three meals, two snacks) that would be nutritious, would avoid all my allergies, and would be easy and have some variety to them.  

I contacted my immunologist because they hadn't refilled a prescription, and got that taken care of.  I guess I should remember to tell him about this when I see him next month.  

But, the BEST thing is that I started inventorying my library! I LOVE the ap I chose.  It's  called Barcode Library.  You create whatever categories you want for your books, and then you scan the barcode and it puts in the picture of the book and all the information.  If it won't take the bar scan, or if there isn't one, you take a picture of the book cover and input the title and author and anything else you want to include and press DONE.  And, you can just send it in an email or upload it into dropbox.  The hardest thing is figuring out how to categorize a lot of my books.  

I did figure out how to open up the floppy discs today, but... I couldn't figure out how to put them on my computer, so I have had to give up and ask for help with that.  

Oh, and before I forget, I did floss and use the water pic last night.  Bully for me!  And I only chewed one nail off today, so that's better than yesterday.  And ... OH MY GOSH!  I just realized that I did NOT eat any Glutino cookies today!  That's amazing! 

I didn't eat too great today.  My husband had to go to a dinner, so I made myself a nutritious bowl of GRITS for dinner.  Yep.  That's it.  I added the fake cheddar cheese shreds and they sort of melted, but it did NOT taste good.  The rest of the day I ate well, and I didn't have any kettle cooked potato chips, but only because I'm out.  I tried for the first time a soy yogurt!  It's made by Silk and it was just delicious!  and only 150 calories for the peach one.  I loved it and had forgotten how much I missed yogurt.  This opens up a lot more options for smoothies also, since many of them call for yogurt.  

I have an appointment tomorrow with an oral surgeon to take a look at a lump in my cheek.  It's been there for a long time and no one knows what it is.  They don't want to biopsy it because there is the chance of cutting a facial nerve.  So the general consensus has been to leave it alone unless it starts changing. It does change at times.  Sometimes it swells up to the size of a golf-ball, and is as hard as one.  Other times it's like it is tonight, about the size of a shooter marble.  The dentist I saw suggested I see this doctor because that's all he does is operate on mouths.  It may be that he'll have an idea what it is.  It appears to be in my salivary gland on the left side of my jaw.  So, we'll see if he has any ideas.  

I didn't get much sleep last night.  I came to be at 12:40, which was almost an hour earlier than I have been, but I woke my husband up and then he couldn't get back to sleep, so we were both awake until 2:00 am.  No fun at all.  Especially for him!  I at least could sleep in some and get seven hours of sleep to function on.  

I remembered this evening that I also have to make a dermatologist appointment.  I had to cancel mine more than a year ago, and never got around to rescheduling.  

So, the top of my white desk is completely clean, and now the top of my credenza, the three drawers in it, and the three baskets on the shelves are completely clean.  Tomorrow I will inventory more books and go through all the notebooks on the bottom of the shelves and get these labels on them.  That should make that look a lot neater.  And I can spell "Temperance" correctly this time!  On one floppy disk I opened successfully, I found that I have written a lot about the cardinal virtue of temperance.  I don't remember doing this, but I have about 10 chapters prepared.  So maybe I started writing a Bible/philosophy study and then wound up not teaching it.  

Well, I'm so tired now, maybe I'll be able to go to sleep, even though I'm still in a good bit of pain.  

I feel like I've made some progress today, although today is the day I had scheduled to FINISH my white study!  Oh, well.  

I hope your Monday went well.  My housekeeper nearly had a bad wreck on her way to work, and then nearly fell down the stairs here!  I hope she is safe in bed now!

Oh, before I forget.  I did not exercise today.  I planned on going to the Y, but didn't stay on top of my time and ran out of time.  In other words, I didn't want to go enough to make it happen.  I'll try again tomorrow.  I also have to take one of my dogs to the vet and go to the grocery store to find something to eat tomorrow night! 


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