Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 92 - If I'm Not Careful, I May Start Feeling Encouraged!

Dear Reader, 

I may not have told you this, but I am not good at technology!  You would not believe what I have one through this evening to try to get my iPad working with my keyboard!  I will skip all the details and just say, that I am typing this on the iPad itself yet again!  Maybe tomorrow.  Wait.  Didn't I say that yesterday?  I've finally gotten it all working and paired together, but I find that I can't put everything in the right position here on my bed, so I'm going to have to try positioning things tomorrow somehow.  Frustrating!  

So, no, I didn't exercise today, and no, I'd didn't eat especially well today.  And, yes, I weighed today and have gained a pound!  But, I'm trying to stay focused on the positive part which is -- I actually stood on the scale today!  

But, the reason I am encouraged is because I have cleaned the entire top of my white desk!  And it really is white!  I'd almost forgotten.  Tomorrow I will start on the drawers and maybe have the whole desk finished before the day ends.  I haven't seen the top of my desk for, literally, months.  

The other thing I am encouraged about is that the reception is over!!  I wasn't able to prepare as well as I wanted for the presentation I gave at the reception, but I think it still went well.  I'm kind of like a comedian when I speak... about anything.  I have good timing and I love to make people laugh.  Making people laugh is such a great way to connect with people you don't know. I did do a lot more research today and several hone calls trying to  get more information on my topic.  But I researched too much and didn't leave enough time to pull everything together.  Oh, well.  The leader of the organization asked me if I was going to out all the information together for the next First Lady.  I told her that I was, but the odds of them having another First Lady who hosts them twice a year is unlikely!

I'm already frustrated about tomorrow.  My mother wants to take me to lunch for my birthday tomorrow, rather than waiting till Saturday, my actual birthdate.  That's fine, but my husband is taking me out to the nearby Big City for dinner and dancing, which I'm really excited about.  We're celebrating my birthday tomorrow also because we have basketball all day Saturday.  So now I don't want to go out with my mother because it's crunching my time up pretty bad.  Thank goodness she didn't want to go so Monument Men!  I wanted to see it again and invited her to come, but she doesn't like getting out of the house and declined.  I think it's really because her first husband was killed in World War 2 and she just can't handle war movies.  I'm glad now, because I really would be frustrated if we were going.  My daughter was going to go, but she is going out with her (loser) boyfriend instead.  I regret that because my daughter acts like a buffer and helps me keep her away from perilous directions.  For example, I'm pretty sure that she would be offended by the Coca-Cola commercial!  I'm better at keeping the conversation pleasant and non-confrontational when my daughter is there helping me.  She is such a strange person and getting stranger by the day.

I didn't eat a speck of the reception food, though I was sorely tempted to.  After everyone left I cooked a turkey and some Brussels sprouts and spaghetti squash and toasted a gluten-free English muffin.  Yes, it did tasted as gross as it sounds.  My nose started running immediately after I ate the Brussels sprouts, which I figure means I've become allergic to the,l. It was. Uh later in the evening when I had a bite of the spaghetti squash, and my nose started running again.  So, I guess that's two more vegetables I can't eat.  

I'm obviously gong to have to start going back to the   YMCA next week and doing aerobics since I'm not losing weight.  That's ok.  It's a 20 minute trip each way, but I'm listening to a good set of tapes on WW1, so at least the time want be wasted.  I don't hate the elliptical, and haven't hurt myself on it before.  It will just be a matter of having my blood volume up so my blood pressure doesn't crash.  That requires drinking a lot of fluid and eating a good amount of salt.  Since I'm not losing weight, maybe I should also stop using potato chips, tortilla chips, and french fries to increase my sodium levels!  

I came across something interesting today that you might be interested in.  It's Mark's Daily Apple (  It appears to be a health blog based on the Paleo Diet.  But what I found interesting is that he advocates a supplement called Damage Control Master Formula.  This is thirty days of pre-packaged vitamins that have got, literally, everything in them!  You take two packets a day along with fish oil supplements.  The more diets are blended first before being put in the capsules, so you are getting a balanced amount of each ingredient with each pill.  They aren't cheap, but I'm probably spending at least this amount a month on all the separate supplements I take.  I may give it a shot.  I've switched from Xymogen products to Swanson's because of the price difference, but I don't know anything about the quality of their products, but they sure do have a lot of them!

Well, that's it for me now.  Is it seriously almost 1:00in the morning?  How does this happen??!  I still have to bathe and wash and dry my hair ... and maybe get one more of those Glutino English muffins.  They're so good!  



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