Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 97 - Started on the biggest mess in the house!

Dear Reader, 

Day 97?  How can that be possible??  I'm never going to be ready to move at this rate!

Today got off to a rough start because of problems last night.  My heart was racing at 100 bpm while I was in bed, laying down.  That's because I didn't take the beta blocker.   It was pounding so hard I could hear it when my head was on my pillow.  So, I hope I'm not doing anything stupid by trying to get off of this medicine.  I can't see the cardiologist until April, and we leave 6 weeks after that.  I was sure to take it ths morning, and have felt fine today.  I put lots of the magnesium lotion on my feet tonight!  Hope that will speed the process up!

I couldn't go to sleep for a very long time last night.  Finally I went to another room and downloaded a sleep ap.  It is Glenn Harrold Relax and Sleep Well.  He has a ton of meditations for all sorts of things.  A lot of them look bogus, but this one apparently works because I started it and the next thing I knew it was a few hours later and my husband was waking me up to come get back in bed!  I also downloaded, and paid for, one that is just called SleepAp.  Complete waste of money.  It's just some music, five pieces that don't even connect to each other, and a million bacteria-looking squiggles all over your screen.  It's cool what you can do with all those squiggles as you move your fingers on the screen, but it certainly didn't it me to sleep or even relax me.  

I got to sleep around 3:00 this morning and set my alarm for 10:00.  It took me an hour to wake up again, but I realized that another thing I'm doing that is encouraging is that I am setting alarms again!  For a long time I was just letting my body sleep as long as it needed to and let myself wake up on my own.  So, this is a step in the right direction!  My husband often makes me coffee in the mornings, especially Saturdays, and brings me up a cup when I wake up, like the sweet man he is!  But he's quit doing it because I've been making chai for a couple of months now.  Well, I didn't make any last night, so he brought me a cup of coffee.  Gross!!  I think I may have actually made the switch to tea!

I have something weird going I with my foot, which I'm sure you want to hear all about!  It looks like I broke my big toe!  It's got blood in it all over and hurts really bad.  But I don't know how this could have happened!  I wore flat boots all yesterday until my husband and I went out to dinner and I changed into a pretty pair of pumps.  I wore them to the restaurant, in the restaurant, and for a short while in the house and that's it.  I didn't feel anything happening during that time.  I wonder if I stubbed my foot on something?  Oh, WAIT!   I remember now.  I dropped my Wexler night cream tub on my foot last night!  It hurt like crazy!!  How could I have forgotten that??  Well, I like that better than thinking my foot had gone and done something weird, like tear tendons while I was asleep!  I have had muscles in my calves pop off before, three times!, so that scenario was not inconceivable.  

I have decided to have my prayer time and read my Bible each day at my white desk.  That will at least force me to sit there and look at it!  I dd that this morning and started separating things out into groups and, by the time I was through you could actually see a six inch by eighteen inch section of my desk!  I was so pleased that I took a picture of it and sent it to my housekeeper!  Most of the mess on it is keepsakes from the last year.  My husband is in the newspaper a lot, and so I have newspapers, football game passes, NCAA passes, letters, cards, etc. stacked everywhere, including a bunch on the mantel in my bedroom! I have a box for everything, but just never had time to put things in it, so I just stacked them up!  This is definitely the worst area I have to deal with in the house.  There's a ton of stuff in the basement, but it's organized for the most part, so I don't think even it will be as bad as this study!

My fish tank is gone!  It made me so sad to tell them goodbye, but it had to be done.  I took a lot of pictures of them last night and told them all goodbye.  I think they will be well taken care of where they are going, so that's good.  Assuming they survive the move.  

So, tomorrow is Sunday and the question is ... go to church or stay home?  I vote for staying home!  I have a very busy week next week, crazy busy!  And if I don't close off this weekend with making some real inroads in all this work, my tension level will be off the charts!  We're not really part of a church here.  We joined a large church when we got here, but within a year they closed down the contemporary service and the young pastor of that service left for a mission NYC!  We had to go to the other service with a choir and robes and organ and a truly awful older preacher and we just couldn't take it.  So then we started going to a large non-denominational church that met in a school auditorium. The preachers were better, but just stuck to basics ... over and over and over.  We ultimately left it because the senior pastor moved away and the very young fellows started trying to do the sermons and they just tanked!!  I felt a little guilty about leaving, but we just couldn't take it.  So we now go to a small church that is multi-ethnic and lower middle class.  Very genuine people which I love.  Since I grew up VERY poor, I feel very comfortable here.  But since I'm NOT very poor now, I have to be careful what I wear so it doesn't look like I'm showing off or anything.  The preacher is pretty good, authentic, humble ... but not riveting.  So, we don't really feel like we are missing much when we stay home.  We're really hopeful of finding a good church in New York, even if we have to go into Manhattan.  It would be especially nice if we found one where the preacher didn't have an affair with anyone!!! Can I get an "amen!"?  Don't even let me get started on that!  Since we are both Bible teachers, it would be great if we could teach regularly again.  We haven't had our own class for a very long time.  

I didn't exercise again today because I didn't want to!  Maybe tomorrow?  Monday for sure!

We went out with our good friends who live an hour away and had a great time.  We went to a hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant that got good reviews on yelp, and it was GREAT!  Best Mexican food we've had since we left Texas.  One thing I did well was I started getting full, but wanted to keep eating.  But I forced myself to stop and reminded myself that there will be more food tomorrow, so I didn't stuff myself. Yay!

I hope you have a good Sunday tomorrow.  Everyone here is complaining about how they are so sick of this cold weather, but I'm still enjoying it.  We even had a nice snow last night, which is unusual.  

I came across my copies of "We're Just Like You, Only Prettier--Confessions of a Tarnished Southern Belle" and "The GRITS (Girls Raised in the South) Guide to Life" books. Should I hide them in New York, or display them as artifacts of an unfamiliar culture, like one might showcase African masks or something??


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