Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 88 - AWFUL NIGHT!!

Dear Reader,

Hooray!   I finally have figured out how to use my iPad keyboard while in bed!  This should make it take much less time to write my blog each night.  As it is, it takes FOREVER because I make so many errors using the keyboard on the iPad, and spell correct changes so many of my words.  And, somehow I have not been able to figure out how to go back through it all to make corrections.  There's a place where it says "revert to draft", but I'm still only being able to access the part of the blog that is actually on the screen.  That's why you may have noticed shocking errors in past notes!  The only problem is that this keyboard is quite noisy, but I don't think it will disturb my husband as he sleeps.

Hey, by the way ... did you see RoboCop yet?  Obviously I'm not suggesting that you do since I fell asleep during it, but I thought it was hysterical that they could build this super modern machine, but couldn't make it QUIET!  It squeaked loudly with each move he made!  No sneaking up on the bad guys in that outfit!  A little WD-40 might have fixed it!  :-)

So ... about last night.  I was finally about ready to go to sleep and was turning out the light around midnight when my husband started having really bad indigestion.  I got him some Tums.  Then after a while some Pepto-Bismal.  His abdomen swelled up tight as a drum and his back was hurting him very bad.  I got him onto a heating pad, but he was feeling clammy so that didn't work.  He then took some Alka-Seltzer and I got him to take a hot bath, but the pain was just increasingly bad!  I suggested we go downstairs and watch an episode of The Office to try to take his mind off of the pain.  While we watched it, I got online and did a search for swollen abdomen and back pain and saw that gall bladder is one of the possibilities.  I had gall bladder problems years ago and had to have mine taken out ... worst and most painful surgery EVER.  All of a sudden I recognized the pain he was in.  I really do think he had a gall bladder attack last night.  He went to the doctor today who said he thought it was indigestion!  Good grief!  That's ridiculous.  But he is doing an ultrasound tomorrow so hopefully they'll spot it if there is a problem.  Poor baby!  It was awful!  I have things happen to me all the time, but this was the first time I've seen him in such pain.  It was around 4:30 this morning when the pain eased enough for him to be able to go back to bed, and I got to sleep sometime around then.  

He seems to have gotten through the day alright.  My own personal Man of Steel.  I, however, was drained and beyond exhaustion.  I slept very late, but then felt awful the rest of the day.  It was not an entirely unproductive day, however.  I ate pretty well today.  I made tuna steaks tonight with a Mediterranean topping I made from garlic, green onion, cherry tomatoes, capers, sliced Kalamata olives, and sliced banana peppers.  I didn't eat a huge amount of chips, although I did have some with my gluten-free wrap I made for lunch along with some strawberries.  I had 5 or 6 gluten-free Oreo-type cookies today.  I hope it was 5, but it may have been 6.  About 50 calories eac.  CRAZY good!  

I didn't tear at my nails any today, but neither did I get them painted.  

I did, however, get a good amount of work done on being ready to move.  I finished all of the desk and cleaned everything out good with damp cloths, except I didn't quite finish the drawer of files.  I did get a bunch of files emptied out and worked my way through a lot of them, but I do still have more to do before I can say the desk is FINISHED.  I came across a very bitter article I wrote a few years ago about aging.  I even prepared a good cover letter, but I never sent it off.  But I saw one good line in the query letter about my kids having left home, apparently taking my waist with them!  I do like that.  

I cleaned out three drawers of my credenza also.  Each step makes me so happy!  I have a TON of notebooks on the lower selves that have books and/or Bible studies I've written and hope to publish at some point.  And I was able to find the old fashioned metal clip-on notebook labels and bought a bunch of them so I can label all of these notebooks ... correctly!  One of the things I'm fascinated by and have written and studied about are the four cardinal virtues.  FASCINATING!  The word "cardinal"  means "hinge", so the concept is that these four virtues are the ones that  are the hinges on the door that leads to a virtuous life.  Plato taught about these, and most people assume that Socrates did as well, but none of it his thoughts are recorded, except heard through Plato's writings.  The one I'm most interested in is Prudence of, as it is sometimes called, Wisdom.  The other three are temperance, justice and fortitude.  As I was looking down at the notebooks, eager to get started on them, I saw myself looking at one label and seeing that I had labeled it "Temprance"!  

I also got a strong whim to dump out two drawers of pharmaceutical supplies in my bathroom and go through them this evening.  I can now ALMOST say that my bathroom is finished!

It is 11:00 and I am completely ready to go to sleep. I'd like to get to sleep early in case my husband has another attack this evening.  I HOPE NOT!  

We had gunshots fired on campus this evening, but no one was hurt.  The safety alerts came in on our iPhones and then the Chief of our campus police force called my husband to tell him that it was apparently some non-students who drove through the campus and fired off a couple of shots.  OH.  MY.  GOSH.  

Last thing is that I can now use the magnesium lotion all the way up to my knees without it hurting and ... I did spend some time looking for an endocrinologist to find out if it have parathyroid tumors or not.  From the webpage, I could not figure out which doctor has more experience with parathyroid tumors, so I downloaded an ap for $5.99 (CalciumPro) that is supposed to be excellent, and I believe it also tells you doctors in your area with an expertise in this.  I have to gather up my test results, and I actually do know where they are, and input everything and see what pops out.  It is supposed to be an incredibly accurate program.  So, I'm going to try to get that done tomorrow.  I'm mostly hoping that it has some good suggestions for doctors to see.  

I have to go to a luncheon with my mother tomorrow.  She usually drives me CRAZY when I go with her.  It was a group of older women who were associated with the university in some way or other, either professors or wives of professors.  They were like my REFUGE here!  I love them all so much.  But then they found out my mother lived here and started inviting her to come also.  It's been pretty painful each time I've gone, and I eventually started looking for reasons to not be able to make it.  I don't think I've been in almost a year now.  My mother is so awkward and has no social skills and to watch her TRYING hard to fit in and be accepted makes me feel so sad for her.  

Now, as promised, I bring you (ta-da!) ...

Why I Didn't Exercise Today!

Because I felt horrible all this morning and afternoon because of having no sleep and then realized I had to get everything ready to be able to go to bed as soon as my husband got home from basketball so he could go straight to sleep.  And it was lower on my list of priorities than other things, probably appropriately.  

Good night and sleep well!


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