Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 91 - A Great Day!

Dear Reader, 

Happy Valentine's Day!  Or, of you're single, then happy Anti-Valentine's Day!  

I've had a wonderful day.  My poor husband is quite sick.  He came home from work most of the day and slept.  We had plans to go to the large city near us for dinner and dancing, but I thought we should cancel and stay home.  Especially after we started getting a steady rain.  I called and learned we could get reimbursed if we needed to cancel, so I was ready to suggest that we stay and just go get some Mexican food or BBQ!  But, when he woke up, he insisted on us going.  Since he seems to be no worse for the wear, I'm glad we did.  I had the sea bass and it was absolutely unbelievable!  One of the best things I have ever eaten.  I had berries for dessert because I was allergic to all of their options.  They were surprisingly good, considering that this is February!  Then I saw that there was a chocolate truffle on my husband's dessert plate.  He had not quite finished it, so I snatched it when he wasn't looking!  It was A-MAZING.  It was a creamy chocolate center with crushed Heath bars on the outside, and in decided that I could eat it and asked if I could have one.  The waiter brought me one on a fancy plate, and I was in heaven!  I also had a dessert coffee with Godiva chocolate liqueur and and some other type of liqueur.  I decided that I could also have this and pretend that there was no dairy in it. So far, so good.  The salad had some feta in it, so I figured I'd already had dairy, so of that triggered a reaction, a little bit of dairy in the coffee couldn't make it too much worse.  

My mother took me to lunch today.  We went to a restaurant that had an Indian-style curry on a bed of rice noodles and a lot of vegetables in it and raw green and purple cabbage underneath the noodles.  It was SO good!  But, the best part is that I had a delightful time with my mother!  She had been cantankerous on the phone the night before, so I was not looking forward to lunch with her, but we had a great time.  She took me to lunch for my birthday, which is tomorrow. She wanted time for herself to be with me without everyone else and give me my birthday present.  I won't go into what my present was, but it was wonderful!  Waaaay too expensive, I'm sure, but something that I will always treasure.  Oh, okay.  I'll go ahead an tell you that it is a diamond bracelet!  She said she didn't want the people in New York to look down on me and thought this would help!  It's funny because I couldn't care less for that sort of thing, and I couldn't care less what people think of me if they are basing it on my financial status.  But I love the bracelet and am keeping it and wearing it regardless of her reasons for giving it.  And, speaking of the word "regardless," am I the only one who thought the word was "irregardless"?  Turns out that it is correct to say "regardless," not "irregardless."  Who knew??  My husband, that's who knew!  Dang, that man knows a lot.  

Since today was taken up mostly with Valentine's Day and birthday activities, I didn't get a great deal done. I had a good prayer time and got the top of my white desk and two drawers completely cleaned off.  I am not kidding when I say that I haven't seen the top of my desk for at least three years! It looks so beautiful.  I'm going to take a bedroom in the new house that has a sunroom attached to it as my study, and combine the two studies into one large one.  I think I'll put the white bookcases in the bedroom part along with the gray sofa and mirrored credenza.  And then put my contemporary looking large corner desk made out of glass with its black (fake) leather chair and my recliner that I've had recovered with a gorgeous gray and black heavy fabric in the sunroom.  It's on the second story, so I love that I'll be looking out at trees.  Right now, my white study windows look out across to a car lot!  And my other study looks out to the back of the sciences building and a dumpster!!

My husband and I had such a great time on our date.  He didn't seem to be feeling too terribly bad, the food was excellent, and the jazz band was marvelous.  The singe wore a long red dress and was wearing shoes with an extreme platform and heels!  I don't see how she could bear them.  They mostly did the old jazz standards which we have a particular love for.  She may not be Adele, but she is awfully good!  

So, as far as rebooting my life goes, there was not much in the way of forward motion today.  I worked on my desk some, but that is about all.  

We got a little bit of bad news today about the house the college is buying.  The owners aren't sure they can be out by the time we need to move in!  We're not going to kick them out of their home, but it puts us in a very awkward position because of the four dogs.  I think the agreement is that they will be out by June 1.  So it may come down to me staying here with the dogs, while my husband goes on up and starts work. It will have us apart for two weeks, which will be awful, but I can handle it.  

Tomorrow my kids are taking me out for lunch and then we have a basketball game to go to that evening, so I'm not sure how much I'll get done.  But I am starting to be very motivate and happy with the work I'm doing. I really need to exercise tomorrow, but I don't want to!  I'm thinking of dividing it up into twenty minute pommodoros which I sandwich between other pommodoros.  But what I REALLY don't want to go is go back to the Y. But a six-pound weight gain tells me that it no longer matters if I want to or not.  

Oh good grief. It's almost 1:00 again.  Going to bed NOW!!

Oh, new goal:  quit biting off my nails and cuticles.  When I'm nervous I just chow down on them. I've got to break that before I move.  

I read something the other day about how good it is to be constantly evaluating your life and reinventing yourself. I guess tahrs what this is all about.  

Cheers to you and yours!


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