Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 102 - SNOW DAY!!!

Dear Reader,

How are you, today?  I hope well, because I'm feeling great!  We had snow and ice here in Tennessee and, as you may already know, we Southerners have no idea how to drive in the stuff!  So the university closed for the day!  SNOW DAY!!!!  And I'm not sure why, but a snow day always feels like a vacation day to me.  So, I slept late again, and it was heavenly!  About the most taxing thing I did all day was to invite Facebook friends to unfriend  me if they were offended by the Coca Cola  commercial, and half of my family probably was!  Well, actually, I shared my daughter's post and said, "Me, too!"  I don't know what is going on in our country, but it is not good.  Unless you are also in academics, you probably don't know that a female, Asian president of a university did not close school on a day last week when there was inclement weather.  The students tweeted absolutely vile things about her; every racist and sexist thing you can imagine.  There's a lot of hate being spoken, and a lot of love keeping quiet!  We've got to change that if we are to continue as a functioning society.  With a media that is determined to polarize us and make us distrust everyone, this will have to be done on a grass roots level.  I think maybe we should start calling out the writers of hate-filled online posts and tweets.  I do a fair amount of that as it is, but I usually go after the hateful "Christian" posters.  Did it today, in fact on a youtube video.  James 2:13 says, " ... judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment."

Anyway, back to ME!!! I hope you liked what I wrote yesterday.  It really meant a lot to me and has resulted in a changed attitude in me.  Now, doubtless, this change will be short-lived since I'm a whiner and complainer by nature and habit!  But hopefully I'll keep this piece handy and read it frequently.  

I did make the parsnip, watercress and cucumber juice yesterday, and it was disgusting!  Undrinkable!!!  So today I just made my juice out of what I had around: two celery stalks with leaves, three smallish carrots, green grapes, an apple, and a big handful of spinach.  It looked AWFUL, but it actually tasted delicious!  I mean, I'm not joking here or exaggerating.  It was delicious!  My goal is to make some sort of fresh juice each day.  

I re-did my workout routine today.  I was in a bad car wreck seven years ago, and the pelvic joint on my left side was injured badly and has never been the same.  It causes me a lot of pain almost every day, and is one of my joints that come out-of-joint often.   And, boy, is THAT fun!!!  So, my routine has a lot of focus on strengthening the hips, back and glutes.  I looked for a workout playlist and found that spotify has playlists put together already. The trick is, you have to push the fast-forward button before the song you're listening to actually ends; otherwise you have to listen to a thirty-second ad!  I liked the playlist I used, except one song had foul lyrics that you could actually understand.  I don't understand why young women buy, listen to, dance to, ETC dot dot dot (!) songs that are so bad!!  I just pushed the fast-forward button and went to the next one.  It did make my workout much more energizing than "Mama Mia" did!  I am sure I have enough good music on my iPad to put together a good playlist without buying anything new.  Exercising to the good music made me push myself harder because I wanted to keep going till the chorus, or the key change, or the end of the musical phrase.  And ... speaking of music ... how about Bruno Mars last night?!  I thought he was awesome.  The Red Hot Chile Peppers just looked silly next to Bruno's musicians with their gold tuxes!

I see my counselor tomorrow.  Hope the roads are cleared up since she's an hour away.  Got mostly good stuff to tell her, which is both nice, and unusual.  Which means ... that she'll probably want to work more on the pain I still have from an awful church situation that happened while we were living in another state.  That won't be any fun!  But it still affects me, so gotta go through it again, this time with some guidance. 

I got a phone call from my doctor's nurse saying that he did order a retake of the calcium levels in my blood, but the lab dropped the ball . . . or maybe they dropped the test tube instead of the ball!  (Sorry, couldn't resist.). So I have to go back in and have blood drawn again.  Thank goodness that doesn't bother me.  

It's almost 11:00 and I am in the tub soaking in a lot of Epsom bath salts to increase my magnesium levels.  So far no notice of any change from not taking the evening beta blocker, but it's only been two days.

All in all, I guess I'm encouraged to press forward again.  So, I hereby declare tomorrow, February 4th, to be the opening day of Round Two in my efforts to reboot my life before we move. 



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