Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 13 - Just saw that this was still a draft.

Dear Reader, 

I was pretty discouraged yesterday and today.  But on the way home from a doctor's office, the Mandisa song, "Overcomer" came on the radio.  I've not been a huge fan of the song, but it really meant a lot to me today and encouraged me a lot.  I had what I call "Holy Spirit goose bumps" all over me, even on my face! 

Here's what's going on.  I saw my doctor about my kidneys.  He's concerned because this is a pretty sudden dive in filtration rate.  In October, I think, it was 60.  Then it's down to 45 five months later. The renal ultrasound came back normal, so no tumors or blockages.  He is doing a pretty big work up so that all the tests will have been done when I see the nephrologist so he can start right in on everything.  I have to do a 24-hour urine collection, which is always FUN!  Nothing quite like storing your urine in a jug in the refrigerator!!  He said he hoped I wasn't getting into a renal-immune something something.  I asked what that us and, apparently, if your immune system is over-activated and making tons of antibodies, you can actually clog up the little filters in your kidneys.  Good grief.  There was some other things also, but it's late and I'm tired and don't reall ywant to go into it all.  

I saw the orthopedic doc today and got two cortisone shots in the first joint of my big toe.  LOTS of fun!  I didn't cuss, but I sure did blaspheme once!  When he did the second shot I told him I wasn't going to blaspheme that time, but I was going to cuss like a Texan! I then explained to him that any real Texan makes a two-syllable word out of "shit"!  Happily enough, though, I didn't even cuss with the second shot.  I've got osteo-arthritis and he told me that some little nodes you cam see in my thumb joints are some complicated-name nodes that means I have the genetics for it.  I think it's really weird that it causes you to grow more bone cells.  That's what forms the spurs and the gnarled knuckles old people have.  

I am just constantly exhausted.  I had to show the house again today.  Was not impressed with the candidate or his wife.  At least it wasn't as distressing as it was yesterday.  If anything it's highlighting to me how fantastic the house we will be going to is!

Tomorrow is an insane day.  I show the house at 11:00.  Meet some people in my husband's office for a goodbye coffee at 1:30, then there is a farewell reception and a goodbye speech at 3:30. At 6:00 there will be another reception and art show, and at 7:00 there will be a tribute dinner!  Wow!  Wish I hadn't written that all out right before going to bed!  Hope I'm able to go to sleep now.  

I did get some work done in my study tonight.  There was a reception and dinner, but I didn't go to it.  I stayed home and worked on that.  Soooo veeeery close to being finished! Surely I'll be finished by the end of the weekend!  I even got some more work done on the winter/summer clothes.  

I haven't talked to my daughter for two days.  I'd be getting worried, but she's posted on Facebook so I know she's ok.  

Tired, tired, tired!!

Good night!

P.S.  The tornado in Mississippi missed my brother by less than two miles.  I hope neither you nor your loved ones have been harmed by the rash of tornados we've had this week.  

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