Friday, April 25, 2014


Dear Reader, 
How, when and where did I get my day count off so badly???  Eighteen days left?!  That's insane.  I have got more time actually, since I came get moved in until after June 1. But still, I thought I had more time.  I mean, we are in the teens now!  I have to show the house to presidential candidates beginning Monday and have a lot to do this weekend to be at all ready for them.  

I wasn't able to get a thing done today.  I was in a lot of pain last night and it was very late when I went to sleep.  I didn't go downstairs to ice my back because I couldn't handle the idea of coming back up the stairs.  Even today, the joint is not spasming, but it's not in place either.  I can barely lift the leg enough to get it in and out of the bathtub.  Ugh.  At least I'm not having to ask for help.  

I'm up too late because I'm still looking at decorating pictures thinking that if I just click in one more link, I'll find the perfect thing!  

I has the ultrasound today.  The technician kept telling me to hold my breath but would forget to tell me when I could breathe again!  I see my doctor next week and will get the results and then see the nephrologist the week after that.  I apparently do still have an appointment with the autonomic nervous system disorders specialist since I got a text reminder today.  And I finally made an appointment with a local bone and joint kind of doctor about my right big toe.  It has been hurting for months now.  I can't quite pinpoint the pain, but it's pretty bad at times so I decided to have someone look at it.  I'm facing up to a lot of things these days!

After the ultrasound I met with the girl I mentored before.  We had a great visit and chatted for about four hours!  The I ran up to a a little Mexican food place that seems to be family-owned and operated.  The food, like, never came!  I finally had to go find someone and tell them I was out of time and I would need it to go.  I think I was there altogether for about an hour!  I got nervous about twenties since my husband was waiting for me at home to watch something together, and I chewed off almost all my fingernails again!  All the way to the quick.  Darn! 

So, I'm working on the idea of "how do I want to live my life?"  Making some headway on that.  Of course, the first issue is, who is "I"?  My self-walls have never been very strong.  But I know that I do want prayer, Bible study, meditation, exercise and yoga to be foundational in it.  That's a start.  

Too tired to be contemplative!  

It's kind of sad, but it think,the girl I mentored and visited with today has rejected Christ.  I didn't question her hard on it, but asked some questions that I hoped would help her to at least see that she has adopted some beliefs that cannot be consistent with faith in the redemptive work of Jesus.  She was a new "Believer" when I started mentoring her, so I think now,that she probably wasn't fully a Christian then.  Although I could SEE her heart visibly moved when I was talking about the verse where Jesus talks about the strong man who enters the house at night and steals the treasures, and that Jesus is the strong man and we are the treasures he steals from the dominion of Satan.  I could see her eyes light up with joy ... so maybe, maybe she is.  She wasn't raised in any religion at all and knew nothing when I started teaching her.  A professor had more influence on her than I did, obviously, and led her in another direction.  But the end of the story isn't written yet!

I'm very annoyed with myself for tearing off my nails and then getting lost for a while looking at fabrics online.  Tomorrow's a fresh day ... if I'll just let go,of THIS day and go to sleep!

Night, night!


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