Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 35 - Nope! It Didn't Happen!

Dear Reader,

I still haven't finished my study!  I didn't even get to touch it today, which is really disappointing.  I did get most of my daughters' things sorted through.  All that should be finished tomorrow and ready to be carried down 26 steps to my car ... by someone else!!  

I did get a lot of packages taken care of today.  I had the. In the car, so I just left the house and went to the post office and sat in my car taking care of all the return slips and address labels and taping them all together.  Then I carried them in, dropping half of them.  Stood in line until it was my turn, only to be told that they were all UPS labels!!! Good grief!  Can't believe I didn't notice that.  I did have one letter to mail and a largish stamped and self-addressed envelope to mail to Artistic Fabrics for samples I was requesting.  A LOT of samples, so I out enough postage on it to cover about half a pound worth.  By then it was too late for me to get to the UPS store.  So I went by a small used car lot to look at cars for our son, but the owner had just left and the person there did not know anything about them.  He gave me the owner's cell phone number and I called and left a message, but he hasn't called me back yet.  What kind of car salesman is that?!?

I came home and cuddled up,with my husband who was dozing in his study, but I got there right as he was getting up to go to an art show. I really was tired so I just laid there and rested while he was gone,  I must have fallen asleep because one of my dogs came up and nuzzled my face and I screamed and jumped so hard it's surprising I didn't hurt myself.  That's one thing PTSD does to you.  It makes you be startled very easily and react to being startled way too strongly.  I am always the one person in the theater who screams when anything startling happens.  It's so embarrassing!!

My stupid ankle joint came out during the night Tuesday.  I didn't have/make time to go to the chiropractor and he is closed tomorrow,so I guess I'm in for a painful weekend.  

So, I need to figure out this stuff about my kidney function.  I got to wondering today if more of this swelling in my body is from my kidneys not working right than it is from the immune system.  Maybe I ought to try to nail that down, too,  plus, I still haven't gone to see the dermatologist yet, and I have decided to get in for one more Prolotherapy treatment before I leave.  That will help with keeping my ankle bone in place.  Prolotherapy is a treatment for connective tissue.  If you have a torn or severely strained tendon, for example, they inject the tendon with a sugar solution.  Yep, that's right.  Dextrose and H2O.  It causes your body to think you have had a massive injury so it creates a particular type of cell (can't think of,the name of it right now) which comes in and floods the area.  This cell can then turn into cartilage, tendon, ligament or muscle tissue and it will actually heal the tear or strain by creating new tissue.  It is extremely effective as I learned because of having treatments after a bad car wreck seven years ago.  I needed surgery on my left pelvic joint and my L-5, but no surgeon would touch me, and I didn't really want to take a chance on surgery anyway. After about a year I went to my doctors office for an appointment, but I was in so much pain I was crying and told him I felt like I had aged ten years.  So he sent me to see this MD who used to be a surgeon who practices this.  I was allergy tested for the topical anesthesia and had an immediate reaction, of course. So I had to get the injections without any pain killer.  He inky treated the L-5 that day, putting I'm four injections around it.  I can tell you that I have had natural childbirth with complications and it didn't compare to those four injections!  I was almost in a state of shock from the pain when I left there!  But the effect was AMAZING!  So I've been back for more a few times. I usually schedule it when my husband can go with me, but last time my friend had to take me and hood my hand instead of Alejandro!  I take one or two Xanax before he starts and then go very, very zen during it.  You know ... like Bella did in the last Twilight when she is transforming into a vampire and doesn't dare move or make a sound because she'll start screaming and going berserk from the pain.  So, you ask ... how does a 57 year old lady know about Bella in the Twilight series?!  Because I REaD them!  Twice!  Back-to-back!  So there!  Mock me all you want!

Anyway, I'm not going to be able to work in my study at all tomorrow.  I have a huge day tomorrow with tons of errands to run.  And then I have this author's reception and reading, and that will take up the entire evening.  

It's 10:37 and I'm completely ready for bed now, except for taking a bath.  I've tried very hard to stay focused while here in bed and was determined to get what HAD to be done finished before I started snooping around online.  But I picked up my iPad to see what tomorrow's date was, and somehow found myself going through my open tabs to save and close them, and then even resuming a fabric search I had going!  I closed it back up and was working on my to-do list and then realized I was looking up master plasterers!  The house has some deteriorating plaster crown molding , and I want to find out how it can be fixed or replaced.  But not at this time of night!!!  Other than those two things, I've stayed pretty focused.  I hope to take a quick bath and get right to sleep.  My alarm is set for 7:30 so I'm already not gong to get the ten hours of sleep my body is craving.  Oh, well.  I guess that's what Saturdays are for.  

So, good night for now!


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