Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 41 - I Just Don't Know

Dear Reader,

Everyone here is tired and irritable.  There's too much going on with everyone.  Our son is moving into a different recovery house tomorrow.  This is a good thing because, for one thing, he took the initiative on this.  Things have been going progressively downhill at this house and the manager does nothing at all.  So,he is moving into a house run by the same person as the one he is in.  Bit it's closer to town and closer to the YMCA he goes to.  Working out is very important to him.  He's had his new job for a week now.

Then we are moving our daughter the next day.  Renting a 17 foot truck turned out to be our cheapest option.  Were picking it up at 5:00 tomorrow to start loading it.  She wants me to go with her to find some dishes tomorrow.  Our son and her boyfriend will be helping with the move.  While she has been packing, she has been weeding out all sorts of,things she wants to,give away.  So now,the foyer where my white study is is full of clothes and shoes and all sorts of,other stuff.   This is what I've always told her to do because I want to look through things before she gets rid of them.  But now it's just SO MUCH stuff!  The apartment complex has still not emailed the lease, which is getting annoying.

I had another moving company come out today and look at the house and this again spun me off into almost a panic.  There is simply so much work I have to do and time is running out!!!  It seems like day after day after day comes and goes without me being able to get to do anything.  Getting her into an apartment has taken up way more of my time than I thought it would and now looks like it's going to mess up this weekend.

I had a talk with the housekeeper today.  I didn't go over everything that she has not been doing right, but I did talk to her about how she is not focusing well and is putting things in the wrong place all the time.  That went ok, but then when we got home late, my Xanax was missing from my bedside table. And, no Xanax ... No sleep!  I was so frustrated and looked everywhere for it.  Thankfully I finally found it under an elastic bandage which was under the bed.  I say thankfully because, if I had just found it shoved in some random place I was going to be really mad!  I don't know how it got from my bedside table to under the bed, but I can't blame her as long as I have two cats.

I can't think of a single thing I got done other than the couple of hours it took to go through everything with the moving company, and the hour or so I spent on renting a haul truck.  We had to leave the house, dressed to the nines, to meet up with some people who were taking us out to dinner and then on to a symphony production.  These are the people we had dinner with last week.  They feel like family and are so nice.  There was a third couple, though, who we didn't know and they were mostly quiet.  We didn't get back home until about 11:00. I did really good at getting straight to bed, on,y to find that the Xanax was missing.  I was so tired I just wanted to cry.  I laid down hoping I'd just fall asleep, but, nope.  I finally got hungry and toasted a gluten-free English muffin and brought it upstairs to eat and watch a Big Bamg.  Bu, apparently you can't watch it on a iPad.  Or, rather, can't watch it on a iPad without buying it from iTunes or amazon, which I didn't want to do.  So, I'm giving up on that and am just going to go to,bed now.

I'm already frustrated about tomorrow.  I want desperately to do some gardening and get at least my herb garden bed cleaned up.  But I also want to finish my white study very badly.  I want to take care of all my daughters stuff.  I've got several packages that I still need to out together and return.  I need to make dinner.  I'm supposed to take my daughter shopping for dishes.  And I want badly to clean out my closet and start packing away the winter things and getting out the spring clothes.
And now I'm up super late because of the Xanax instead of getting to bed as soon as we got home.

As always, how do I prioritize everything?  How do I get anything done?  Taking my daughter shopping is most important, but then how do I decide what to do with the little remaining time the day will have?

My husband is beyond exhausted from this last week and really stressed out.  I'm starting to get there myself.  I'm going to try to sleep now and hopefully things will become clear when I wake up tomorrow.  I don't think there is anything I have to do for the university tomorrow, at least.

But, I started getting really annoyed about the new college.  They are buying us a great house right by the campus.  The house will be the president's residence and, for tax purposes, HAS to be USED as the president's residence.  This house is almost 5000 feet, and they are not providing me with any sort of cleaning for it!  Here I have a full-time housekeeper.  Granted, she's not very good, but at least she is supplied to me.  We built the house we thought was going to be our retirement home.  It was a modest 2700 sq ft and I licked everything out on the basis of easy-care and maintenance because I thought I would be getting older here.  Well, now were going to be in a 5000 sq ft house that will NOT be easy to maintain; much less at the level that necessary for entertaining. And they are not providing me with any support at all!!  Not even a weekly service!!  How do they expect me to keep this huge house clean?!!  It's not physically possible for me and I'm not going to do it.  My husband has said that he'll pay for me to have household help,out of his salary, but that's not right either.  It's their house, it will be used for,their purposes, and they should provide for the cleaning of it.  They are going to be taking care of the hard and the pool and all of the maintenance on the house ... the "man's" work ... but I'm supposed to take care of,the entire house by myself?  I call "FOUL!"

Well, I'm going to try to sleep now.  Wish me success!


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