Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 16 - The Calm Before the Storm!

Dear Reader,

It's 11:06 pm and I am in the tub trying to relax my back and washing my hair.  I got lured into buying the Wen products and then kept forgetting to cancel them.  So I'm trying to use them up now.  They're okay, but doing your hair takes a good bit longer.  Plus pumping this container over wind over hurts my shoulder pretty bad.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the "wash your hair without using soap!" Products that will pop up on your screen from time to time.  Anyway ...

I've spent some time thinking about how I want tonight to go and this is my conclusion:  I don't want to stay up ridiculously late which  means that I don't waste time on the evil iPad.  So I feed the dogs and cat, set out my clothes for tomorrow, take my supplements, neaten up the bed, and even prepared my to-do list for tomorrow.  Then I got in the tub, did my hair, washed my face, turned on my iPad and came straight to this page and started writing!  I WISH!

I got immediately distracted by some pages open on my browser which had collages on them. I have to replace three photo collages and am looking for replacements.  Since I don't like the current look of all the various small frames all joined together, it has not been easy finding what I want.  So, I got caught up in that some and then started looking at fabrics!  I knew that was a dark hole so I did get that turned off quickly!

I got into a lot of bad habits after I quit taking ambien and the insomnia problems from tension were so bad. I developed a lot of routines that kept my brain busy until I finally reached a pint of exhaustion and knew I could go to sleep.  I did this because the option was to turn off the lights and go rigid with tension and be miserable.  But I am going to sleep much better now, but now I have to break all my bad habits and rituals I used to do to be able to sleep.  

But, I'm trying to work on REST!  Being rested!  Resting!  Such a new word in my vocabulary that I have to practice using it!  I did pretty well this weekend I think.  I took a nap yesterday and slept for two hours, and I took a nap today and slept for an hour and a half.  I'm pretty tired now, but the only thing I have left to do is read my Bible after I finish my bath and drying my hair, etc.  it's already 11:23, though! 

Oh, I also got caught up in wrong on all the boxes of clothes I'm going through in the hall as I empty out my winter and autumn clothes from the closet.  Probably spent about 20 minutes doing that until I remembered - oh, yeah! I want to go to bed tonight!

My husband preached at a black church this morning.  The pastor is a special friend to, and he asks my husband to speak from time to time.  Usually he asks him to come teach, but this time it was to preach.  And, you know, every white preacher preaches better in a black church, and my husband was no exception!  The only problem was that the service was about two and a half hours long!  At the end everyone came up to hug us and tell us goodbye.  The pastor did something really soecial.  He asked one of the women and one of the men to come up and convey their on behalf of the church, and it was very moving.  

We got home and I started making lunch when our son came in the door.  Usually the two kids show up together on one weekend afternoon.  But this a time one came on Saturday and the other came on Sunday! So I got no work done today either.  Don't worry.  I know what spending time with them is more important than working ... I'm just saying!  I made grits for breakfast which I served with orange juice and fresh strawberries.  Then I made fish tacos for lunch with some fresh pico de gallo I made.  Yum!!  Then we went out to eat and I had veggies.  I started to order some spiked lemonade, but my husband had a fit, so I didn't.  And I didn't get popcorn at the movie or eat all my fries.  So I did make some good choices for my kidneys: less protein today, less salt, and no alcohol.  That's all I know to do right now.  I'm still not hardly peeing, though and I don't know what's up with that!

After dinner, we went to see Captain America.  Am I a bad person if I thought it was pretty boring?? It was better than the Johnny Depp movie we saw last week at least!  You just have to have the dry humor they incorporate into the Iron Man movies!  And Captain America doesn't have any of the angst that Iron Man has or the inner conflict, so he is a more shallow character.  And even though Scarlett Johansson is in Captain America, there is ZERO sexual tension.  Shall I continue offering my sage thoughts about movies based on comic books??  :-). I think not!

We have some major storms moving in at midnight but, seeing as how it is now 11:41, I don't think I'm going to make my goal of being asleep before then!

You know I said yesterday that I'm all about work? Well here's how MUCH I'm all about work.  My pelvic joint is out of place.  I've had very painful muscle spasms and been in nearly constant pain.  I can't lift my foot up from the floor by more than a foot because the joint is out and it just won't work.  I can't lift it more than 9 inches without my joint hurting really bad.  BUT ... I had to really consider whether or not to take the time tomorrow to go see the chiropractor!  I thought, "The pain is at a bearable level now, it's bad but bearable, and you've got SO MUCH WORK to do tomorrow!  I squashed that thought, but it took some effort!

I had a random thought during the movie.  You know I demolished my nails again last night (?) at the Mexican food restaurant.  Well, as I was sitting there is suddenly thought, "Why would you want to destroy part of your body because you are feeling stressed?  This is your body! Why would you want to tear your nail off and bite off your cuticles.  You want to care for your body, not tear it up!"  So that was a new thought.  Instead of just, "Quit doing this!  This is awful! Look how terrible your nails look! What's wrong with you that you do this all the time???!"  So, well see if I can roll with that and quit tearing up my nails because I love myself and I love my body and I want to take care of it well.  

12:01 am. I'm running a tub of fresh water to rinse my hair and body well in clear water.  I've shaved, conditioned my hair and exfoliated my skin - I love doing that!  I feels so awesome smooth after that, and have a facial mask on.  The only problem, though, is NOW I'M HUNGRY!  I have some gluten-free bread downstairs so I guess I'll go toast some before I go to bed.  

Tonight is the calm before the storm. This week is unbelievable.  Farewell receptions, speeches, dinners, my husbands art show, having the direct reports over for dinner, having coffee with a couple special to us, and three of the candidates are coming in for interviews.  I want to go to one interview of each, just as a spider on the wall, and then I have to give them a our of the house on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!  Plus I think ice got some doctor appointments thrown in here and there along with a mandatory manicure!  I have to go to the grocery store because I'm completely out of pet food and apple sauce: my last stop-gap before starvation!  I dint think I've ever run out of apple sauce before!

So, since the week is utterly impossible, I think I'm just going to take it in stride and star calm. That's the dream anyway!  Have a great week yourself!  It looks like practically half the country is in for some really bad weather, so stay safe!



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