Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 39 - Let the Panic Begin!

Dear Reader,

Oh my gosh!  Normal life has now been declared "OFF!" until I'm ready to move! We got our daughter mostly moved into her apartment today.  It's been disastrous!  Who knew how much stuff she had in that room??  Looking into the shambles and wreckage she left behind, I'm a little (a lot) overwhelmed!  And that's not even talking about the piles of stuff she has left in the hall to give away! So, I have to start approaching this like a professional.  Hmmmm, I wonder if I am allergic to the Glutino fake fig newton cookies?  You may think that was a random question, but if I can't be supported in my endeavors by chocolate, then what will I use??  Fake fig newtons may become essential!

She and her boyfriend worked very hard last night loading the truck.  From her room to ground level are 26 stairs!  Towards the end of the night she came in Alejandro's study and said, "Aren't y'all going to help?!!"  I said, "No, not at all."  What is she thinking?  They are young and healthy.  I would never have dreamed of asking my parents to help with something like that.  They finished loading this morning and we went to our storage facility to get her bed and found that the gate wouldn't open. Our code was right, but it just wouldn't open.  I got hold of the owner and he told me how to open it and, get this.  You just slide the gate to the side!!  It's not actually locked at all!  It's a great big long, heavy gate and really difficult to move.  I opened it and closed it and I wonder if that's what's got my shoulder hurting really bad.

We met up with our son at her new place.  It is SUCH a pretty place!  I let the son, the boyfriend and the husband carry everything up to her third story apartment!  I wanted to keep my joints in place, thank you very much!  I worked to try to get her day bed put together, but needed a ... hmmmm ... screwdriver that has an end that is shaped like a square, whatever that's called.  I got it all put together, but didn't have anything to tighten it all together.  Her apartment is really nice.  We both had it confused with several other apartments we saw, and were surprised to find it had a laundry room complete with washer and dryer!  I also moved several pieces of her furniture in place which might have added to the shoulder situation.  Her patio is even more wonderful than we remembered it being.

So, this is one HUGE thing that can be checked off my to-do list.  I am very, very glad to have her in her first apartment two months before we leave.  (Two months??  What am I saying?  Barely five weeks!)  This way she can stay home on evenings that she wants to and has a few weeks to get used to being in her own place.  Next big thing is finding our son a new car.  He wasn't able to get moved this weekend to the new recovery house because he has a car that he can't move yet.  I don't know why!  Something to do with the tires.  He loves his other old car, but finally accepts that he has to have a newer one.  So that's another big thing to take care of.  He does LOVE working in the downtown of this big city, and I really hope he gets the job permanently.  He's working as a temp right now.

Other than getting a good night's sleep, though, I did absolutely nothing good for my body today.  But wait, I realized that sentence was wrong even before I finished it.  I made a relatively healthy lunch/breakfast of two corn tortillas with refried beans, turkey lunch meat, and fake cheddar cheese on them with cilantro.  I ate some very salty chips and made a point to stay very hydrated today to keep my blood volume high.  I refused to carry things up and down those stairs.  We ate dinner at a nice Asian place and I ordered a Panang curry with shrimp which came with a lot of vegetables and rice, so -- good choice!   Then, when we got home, I was exhausted and I let myself go straight to the bed and lay down for a couple of hours.  Since I lose time in bed at night all the time, I've kept track of what I've done.  I spent 45 minutes looking at decorative pillows for mu daughter and texting back and forth with her.  Then I spent 30 minutes looking for a yellow comforter or duvet cover for my new bedroom and attempting to finish a Free Cell game that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to give up on.  I started writing this blog at 10:36 and it is now 11:10.  So, keeping track of everything was probably a good idea.  At least I haven't turned and seen the time and realized it was 1:00 am like usually happens.  So, I guess I've taken some care to take care of myself today after all.  If I'm in bed before 12:00 am I'll be really happy!

I have to take a bath and wash my hair and dry it, write out my to-do list, and eat something.
Dinner was about seven hours ago and I'm getting hungry, which is really bad timing.

So, good night.  I haven't even looked at my schedule for next week.  Guess I'd better do that.  Oh, dang!  A major dinner Tuesday, a dinner Thursday with a hugely famous person (and at a place that I already know has absolutely nothing I can eat), and then a reception on Friday for said famous person followed by a speech they are giving.  Then dinner Saturday with our friends.  So, a really busy week after all.  But, my days are free, everything is in the evenings.  And NOTHING is at my house!!!  YEAH!  Even our dinner with our friends is at their house this month!

With all my issues with staying focused, it's hard for me, really HARD for me to stay on task.  I'm going to try my best, though tomorrow; knowing that my best is not, really, very good.  I have four major things I want to get done this week, though.

1). Finish my FREAKING STUDY!!!
2)  Go through daughter's mess in floor and take to resale shop
3). Get outside and do some gardening, which is very important to me
4). Completely clean out my closet, go through everything and get rid of tons of stuff, and put away the winter clothes and get out the spring/summer clothes.

So, that's not much, right?  Easy as pie!  IF I HAD A WORK CREW!!! (Just do your best, just do your best, just do your best!  At least I do t have to prepare dinner four nights this week!  And, THAT, my friend, is what you call "looking on the brighter side"!


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