Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 37 - Not a Bad Day!

Dear Reader, I just read what I wrote earlier and learned that I have a "Beverly low" capacity for being a boss!  Ha!  The things spell-check can do.  

I think I can put this day to rest with a pretty good feeling about it.  I did get a LOT done in my study, though I am still a long way from being finished.  I cannot imagine what my life will be like without these massive to-do lists each day.  My husband will be leaving in about 34 days and I will be leaving about 18 days after that.  It looks like the people in the house won't be out until June 1, but I'm going to keep,the. Urgent count-down going until I know for sure.  

One bookcase is 100% finished.  The other is very close to being finished.  The desk is finished, the table is finished since my daughter took it.  The top of the credenza is finished.  So, that leaves basic sorting through a box of keepsakes.  One pretty box will hold everything that is just family-related.  The other will be things up university related.  And the other one will be newspapers.  I wonder if the newspaper would give me copies of all the newspapers that my husband has been in.  I think I caught most of them, but I'd like a copy of all of them.  I'd also like a disc that had all the pictures they have taken of him through the years and articles they have written about him.  I suspect that the extremely public part of our lives will be ending.  Unless he starts making national news again for what he does at this new school like he has here!  Then maybe he'll be on the front page of The New York Times and wouldn't that be awesome!he has to give about a million speeches before he leaves.  I thought he would be speaking at the graduation, but he isn't.  A state senator had already been asked to be the speaker.  This guy thinks the world of my husband, so I'm putting my money on a lot of the speech is going to be about him!  Happily enough, though, this guy also thinks highly of me, so maybe my name will actually be SPOKEN!  Be still, my beating heart!!  

It's funny.  Most people don't really know what I do for the university.  They just see me showing up at events beside my husband, smiling and greeting people.  I know my value here, though, and so does my husband, so that's ok.  I suggested to Alejandro that I take the wives of the finalists out to lunch when they come for their on-campus interview.  He said NO!  I had way too much to do and it wasn't our problem any longer.  I asked if I could at least suggest it and he, again, said no, because it would look like I was meddling!  Ha! Ha!  I think the only thing that would surprise people is if I DIDN'T meddle.  The people in the know already know how many pies my fingers are in! 

I didn't work on anything except the study today.  I do have a deadline, however, on getting everything cleaned up around here.  I'm not sure of the date, but at some point I'll be showing the finalists around the house, including the basement!  So, I have to finish my study, get the stuff in the foyer sorted through and taken to Good Will, get my daughter's room neatened back up and the walls where shelves have been hung fixed and repainted.  My son's room is not in terrible shape at least.  I have all my off-season clothes sitting in the other upstairs foyer and I have to swap all that stuff out.  And then there's the basement!  Heaven help me!!  But, you know what ... what am I worrying about it for??  They will know I'm getting ready to move and, as my husband keeps saying, it's not our problem anymore.  I'll just see how it goes, but will stick to my plan.  

I wasted some time tonight online.  Someone posted on Facebook a picture of an alligator snapping turtle which caused me to look them up online.  From there it was a short jump to a man who claims he shot and killed Big Foot around San Antonio.  The body has been examined by a big university who made him sign a confidentiality agreement with them, but the results will be revealed "soon"!  In the meantime, the university apparently didn't have any problem with him putting the body in a glass container and touring it around the country for people to see ... after they pay, of cours!  And what makes this even more hysterical is that this is the same guy who had people fooled for a while displaying a rubber gorilla suit a couple of years ago that he claimed was a Big Foot he shot.  Seems he also has had a propensity for selling Cameros to people on ebay and then forgetting to send the car to them!  You've got to admire the guy, though!  He has brought fraud to new heights!

So, I have something new to worry about.  It seems that my niece may not have escaped the family propensity for mental illness.  Her mother is awful and is not a part of her life.  Her step-mother was wonderful, but was killed in a car wreck a year and a half ago.  My brother isn't in a position to do anything definitive, and her husband is at a complete loss and very passive.  She has apparently slugged him and her teenage daughter both in the face.  The daughter is now living with my brother.  It dawned on me today that I am the only "older woman" in her life.  There's my mother, but my mother can't stand her, though her opinion is softening a little now,that she is understanding that she may be mentally ill.  Here's what concerns me. She lives in a different state and, if I decide I need to do something, it will require me to gone for at least five days.  Two days to travel and three days to deal with her.  I really need to assess the situation myself.  I think she trusts me enough to be honest with me, but as soon as I say that I know that I'm wrong.  Before her step-mother did, she and my brother had been trying to get her to get counseling and she absolutely refused.  After her death, my brother tried to get her to go into grief counseling, thinking it would be easier for her to do that than to go in because she was just, in general, a mess.   But she refused.  I suggested that my brother talk to her husband about him going in to get marital counseling because that would probably get her involved if for no other reason than to defend herself.  My brother and I have talked about me coming down for an intervention because he thinks I'm the on,y one in the family who could handle her.  She spins lies and half-lies and accusations and excuses so fast that she just leaves everyone in the dust. I, however, am the on,y one smarter than her, and the only one with the internal strength of will to wrestle her to,the ground and hold her there until she will speak the truth.  I am speaking metaphorically, of course.  Physically she could trounce me in a second!  And then all my joints would probably come out of place and wouldn't THAT be fun! I, also, am the on,y one in the family with experience with mentally ill people since I've been the one dealing with my borderline personality disordered mother.  Plus, I have had a massive nervous breakdown in the past, so I know that side also.  

I don't want to go.  I don't want to do this.  I don't want to accept any responsibility in this.  I don't want to engage in this because, anyway about it, it will be enormously painful and emotionally exhausting.  

Yeah. I'm not going to do anything.  Not right now, anyway.  If she's crazy, she'll still be crazy once I get settled in New York.  Unless she hits one of her little boys.  Then all bets will be off and I'll be on the road and I just may take her down physically after all!!!  I was so mad last night when I found out she had hit her daughter that I almost called her up right then, but my mom asked me not to because then she would know that my brother had told us about it.  So, we'll see.  

Oh, I also spent some time looking at decorative pillows for my daughter's apartment.  She doesn't have a clue what she wants other than the $40 pillows at Pier One, and that's not happening!  

Anyway, something really funny happened today.  I told you I read the book called The Good Luck of Right Now, and no, I am not recommending it.  But it is written by the guy who wrote The Silver-Linings Playbook and if you haven't seen that move, YOU MUST!!!  Anyway, the main character talks about Carl Jung some and his idea of synchronicity.  Now, I know nothing about Carl Jung or synchronicity other than it is referring to those times when several coincidences happen regarding something.  That's what happened today.  (Gosh, I need to wash my hair, but I'm running out of time!).  I'm inventorying (I am making an inventory of ... yeah, that's better) my personal library.  I come to a book that my sin gave me a couple of years ago called Hiptionary.  This is a book in which they give humorous definitions of modern slang.  It doesn't have a bar code, so I open it up to get the ISBN number.  When I do so, I see that it was published in a large city that will be near us after we move.  This is, in fact, the large city that I have told our son I want him to live in!  I've joked that I want him living in one large city near us, and our daughter living in a different large city near us, but I don't want either of them living where we live again!  Our son is very qualified to be an editor and is, I. Fact, interested I'm getting an editing position in New York.  So, being the slightly outrageous person that I am, I called the publishing company!  A woman answered and I said, "Hello!  This is going to be a really strange phone call!" and then couldn't help myself from laughing.  I told her my story and she was terrific!  She said she didn't know if they had any jobs or not, but if I would email her his resume, she would out it on the boss's desk.  Then she said, no wait!  And gave me the boss's fax number and email account and said I should send it directly to her!  So, there's a lot of in vs that are fun about this story, but the one I like is,that this New York lady who,is supposed to,be cold and indifferent and disdainful of Southerners immediately became my co-conspirator!

So, that's enough, nay -- MORE than enough for tonight!


What's going on? It won't publish!  If I lose this whole post I will freak out!

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