Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 33 - First Day of Having an Empty Nest

Dear Reader,

Tonight our daughter is staying in her apartment alone for the first time.  I have expected the empty nest for years now,  but am only now getting to it.  I didn't push this birdie out of the nest ... but it was this or dump the boyfriend and move to New York.  It's curious that she has chosen something in between. She isn't moving with us, but she has moved an hour away from said boyfriend rather than getting a job an apartment in this town. Well see what the future holds.  We had dinner with our friends in the large city and, before we left, she texted to ask if we were going to come see her.  We said sure, and then she said to please bring her some lightbulbs.  Ok.  And some pillows.  Ummm, maybe.  And a coke.  Ok.  And, to our surprise we found a large shopping area just a mile past her apartment, complete with a TJMaxx!  So she is now the proud owner of two new pillows and pillow cases!  And lightbulbs and a Coke.  In return, she said I was awesome, and that is thanks enough.  

It was around 10:30 before we got home and we were both really tired. As you know, we've been skipping church for several weeks now, but he is teaching tomorrow at a church.  This Sunday school is older adults and starts at 9:00 am, which I think is sacrilegious!  And church is after that and they always ask us to go out to eat with them afterwards.  Since this is our last time, we're going to do it all. That will leave me time to go see my mother for a while and go to bed!!

I'm trying to be disciplined getting to bed and not get distracted and fritter away the time.  So, I read my Bible first, and then got on Amazon and found and ordered a few things I needed.  Washed my hair, and am now writing to you ... all in the bathtub!

I wanted to research this chronic kidney disease, but there's no time.  I will tell you that I was pretty discouraged today about it.  But that won't change anything. Now I just need to learn if there is a way to turn this around or slow it down.  

That's it for now.  Have a brilliantly beautiful day tomorrow!


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