Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 32 - I Was Wrong - It's Stage 3 CKD

Dear Reader, 

This will be short and sweet tonight.  It's almost 12:00 and my alarm is set for 7:30, my new wake-up time.  I couldn't sleep last night because I got tense, so I only got 5 hours of sleep.  I'll say, though that my husband's lesson this morning was really wonderful. It was about how do we pray about politics.  I wish I had time to tell you about it.  

So, I was at my mother's house this evening and was looking at her labs from 2012.  The notes said that she had stage 3 chronic kidney disease, but her eGFR was 57, which I thought had her at stage 2. The lower your number the worse you are. You should be above 90, 15 is kidney failure.  So, since I am at 45, that would mean that I was at stage 3, too!  I did some more research and, apparently, the ranking system most used has five stages, and I am right on the border between stage 3a and stage 3b.  I did a little poking around tonight at how to improve this.  Mostly I found people who wanted to sell me something ... not a good sign.  I also learned that I need to see a nephrologist, not a urologist, for this.  

I'm off to try to sleep.  Tomorrow is Monday!  YEAH!!!!  I'm on the Energy Bus!  I'm driving my bus!  And, yes, I am being completely sarcastic.  But it's going to be Monday tomorrow whether I want it to be or not, so I might as well get on board.  



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