Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 35 - We Have Movement!

Dear Reader,  

It's 1:30 and I am up, dressed, hair washed and styled, and makeup on.  I have read my Bible and had my prayer time.  I have wasted a minimal amount of time on Facebook.  But, most importantly, I decided to be kind to myself.  My alarm clock sounded for an hour before it even broke through to my consciousness, I am truly tired.  It's not a sin to be tired!  Its not representative of moral turpitude (hey, when you get a chance to use a big word you need to go for it!). I have written a letter recommending someone for a job and taken care of a few other things, like a much-needed pedicure!  I have even sorted through some of Amy's stuff in the foyer and handled some issues regarding our lawn care and have started a list of all the information the wife of the new president will need to know about the house.  So, actually, I have gotten a fair amount don't today so far. 

I found a wonderful verse that describes my husband.  It is written about a King of Judah:  "Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before The Lord his God."

So, now I am going to write out an abbreviated and hopefully realistic to-do list.  This is one of,those days where I keep getting interrupted by campus workers constantly which is distracting.  

So, I'm still reading The Energy Bus. Towards the end he says, "Focus on the path."  This is in the context of not focusing on the past or the future, or even the present, just focus on the path.  So, I've been thinking about that and this is what I've come up with.  

Any movement requires pushing against entropy and the force of friction.  That's just the nature of movement, physically and metaphorically.  To move, you must face down and exert strong enough force to beat the strength of the resistance you have between you and where you want to be.  Again, physically and metaphorically.  No force, no movement. So, I am on a path towards becoming a better, healthier, more disciplined person.  I've made efforts to do this during these past years since I moved here, but they were half-hearted at best and I never mustered sufficient force of my own to conquer the resistance I met with.  This is my first all-out effort, and writing this blog is a tool I am using to keep me conscious of where I'm trying to go.  If I can liken myself to a ball (and not because of my round shape!), I would say that I have exerted force sufficient to overcome the force of entropy and am actually moving now.  But I am still encountering a great deal of friction in the form of a weakened character that has not worked in a long time.  There are other elements of friction, too, of course, bad health being one of them, and lots of other things that have worn me down, especially the last two years.  

But I am, for real, ON A PATH!  I am actually moving.  I am truly getting stronger than some of the friction that is exerting force against me.  Many books tell you to envision your end goal.  Clarify it down to the last detail.  What will you look like, what wil you be wearing, where will you be living, what will you be driving, etc.  But between who you are TODAY and who you want to be in the FUTURE there is a PATH!  And the path is where the dream either becomes a reality or not.  

So, okay.  That's my "deep thought" for the day.  I got interrupted twice just writing that, so it is now 2:00!



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