Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 38 - Who Believed Me?

Dear Reader,

Who believed me when I said I would inventory books for twenty minutes?  Anyone??  Well, you were right not to because it is now 3:00 which means I worked on books for an hour and a half!  I knew I was going too long, but would have guessed maybe an hour at the most.  BUT, I wasn't 100% OCD because I was able to call a halt while there are still eleven books on my credenza and nine books on the floor.  "Why don't I just go ahead and finish them?" you may ask?   (where does the comma go in that sentence?  "...them?", you may ask"?  The comma isn't part of the quote, and the quote has to keep the question mark to make sense, so I think the comma is supposed to stay outside the quote mark.  But it sure looks strange.  Oh, and while I'm at it, I have to tell you something I did today.  My daughter has been saving business cards for design ideas.  She left them on my desk so I decided that was my cue to throw them away.  Well, I came across one with a typo and ... Lord help me if I didn't HAVE to email the guy to tell him!  It was a pretty big mistake right in his business's motto.  I was super nice and all and signed it as "Would-be-editor."  No telling what kind of response I've got waiting in my in-box!!

Anyway, what was I talking about?  Oh.  Why didn't I finish?  Because a) I think it's good to make myself stop compulsive behavior when I can and, 2) (hahahahahah!) I would have to do all of the other books that go in that category that have not already been put in.  I wouldn't really have to, but that's the "rule" I've established for myself.

I LOVE my library!  It has books I've bought since I was 18 years old.  All sorts of books that were influential to me.

So.  It is now 3:17 and I am going to EXERCISE some!  I started to,write on my to-do lost, "I do not love myself enough to exercise today."  But, by the time I thought of that I had lost my to-do list and it still hasn't shown up!  So I'm going to do it anyway.  Then run for the dry cleaners and grocery store.  Torn between Panang shrimp curry or spring primavera?


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