Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 34 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 2?

Dear Reader,

You know how I said last night that I wondered if a problem with my kidneys could be causing the swelling I was having?  Well, I got out the test results from the visit with the endocrinologist and his accompanying letter in which he said that my kidney function tests were off and to discuss with with my main doctor.  So I got out all of my kidney function tests since 2011 and spent some time figuring out what they meant.  I think my doctor discussed it with me before, but there was always something more pressing going on.  Anyway, it looks like I was in stage one of chronic kidney failure, because my eGFR (a measurement of how well your glomeruli are processing waste in your body) dropped from 60 (the bottom of stage 1) all the way to 45, which puts me squarely in stage II.  My creatinine levels have been getting worse each year, too; but my potassium levels have stayed pretty much the same.  

I emailed my doctor about this and asking him if I should get in to see a urologist before I move.  Then I learns that the correct doctor for the stress-induced anti-diuretic hormone is an endocrinologist.  I had assumed it was a urologist but was wrong.  (Gasp!). So I called the endocrinologist and they are going to see if they can get me in before I move.  But I didn't try to make an appointment with a urologist because I'm pretty sure my doctor will have to refer me.  

So, one ,ore puzzle in the picture of my health problems has been supplied. Oh, and my blood is acidic, too.  I tried to do some research this evening, but I've got a lot,to learn before I can understand all this.  It's a bit discouraging. How could I possibly have another chronic condition?!

I'm going to close now,because I'm so tired.  But I'll just say that the evening was brutal.  The temperature was off in the building and art gallery where the reception was held.  They usually ask me to host it, so I'm,very glad they didn't ask this year. But no one took,care of the temperature, and it was broiling hot in there!  I finally opened up,all the french doors and figured out how to lower the temperature in all of the a/c units. Most of them were blowing HEAT!  It was awful! The speech was pep ably excellent, but with me not being able to regulate my body temp correctly, I could,not cool down and was just miserable.  

So, that's it for me.  I'm going to sleep sooo late tomorrow ... I hope!

Till tomorrow!

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