Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 82 - Ready to Kiss Family Goodbye ... For Good

Dear Friend, 

I'm not sure how to start.  You know I emailed my brothers and stupid brother-in-law that I wouldn't continue talking to them bat politics, etc.  the one brother and brother_in-law fired back intemperate emails, but the "less crazy" brother didn't, which I was actually pleased about.  Only thing is, I was Sooooooo wrong!  While I was at the movie with my husband he posted the first of three unbelievably insulting Facebook things that he came up with about liberals.  I stumbled upon it last night.  All his posts got big thumbs up from my MOTHER who even shared them after she KNEW they were designed to insult me.  Big "LOL" from my brother-in-law who I SERIOUSLY don't know what he thinks he's doing putting his nose where it has no business.  

My darling daughter posted this to him: 

"This whole...thing that you're doing right now is frankly pathetic, and to the point of being unforgivable. but what do I know?  I've been in school, have a college degree (where they teach you all kinds of great things like how eveyone is entitled to their opinions but that doesnt mean you should attack said opinions and by golly those people with the differing opinions arent hurting you...but i guess you missed out on that eye opener) oh and *GASP* I'm a liberal (the horror) so you'll probably just ignore this and continue on to make yourself feel better and superior to the people who disagree with you. Anyways I'm only writing this one post. You can say what you want back but I won't be reading them. I appreciate the jokes at the expense of my mom, as well as my brother and I, seeing how my brother and I are, in actuality, the only liberals in this family."

And my wonderful husband posted this on one of them:

"Publicly ridicule--without actually naming--someone you should hold dear, in a place where that someone will inevitably see the ridicule and be wounded.  Make sure to believe that important political principles justify your behavior.  Even better, believe that Jesus is there right with you, mocking along side you with the same fervor.  Do this even though you will one day probably blush before the angels for how you treated someone they will rejoice to see.  Just Basic BOP (Bullies Operating Procedure).  Simple!"

He has responded back to my husband some long thing which makes me wonder if he's going into early Alzheimer's.  Seriously ... I don't think anyone could just be that stupid.  

And then my daughter messaged my mother when she saw that she had shared the insulting posts and said that she just wanted to give her a heads up, in case she didn't know that John was doing this to insult me because I had said it wasn't healthy for our relationship to continue talking about these things.  And that it had hurt me badly and basically saying,you better not know about all of this because if you do, then that sucks big time.  She said she was disgusted with my brother.  My mother did not reply.  Oh, but when my daughter first posted to my brother's comment, my mother posted on her page that quote about how blind people are who will not see.  

So, it's just a real situation going on here that is not going to end well.  And, you know why it's not going to end well?  Because I have decided that it won't.  

My brothers' have hurt me deeply and offended me deeply and revealed too much about wh they are.m I've cried a lot and I've grieved, but I've realized the brothers I cared about were fictional, my own creations.  The actual brothers are people I don't want in my life.  I already knew the idea of my mother was completely false and that she is, basically, a terrible person and I have not wanted her in my life for a long time either.

So tomorrow I plan on writing them all a joint letter, including my two nieces who have been chiming in with their "thumbs up" on their father's insults and separating the wheat from the chaff ... and I'm pretty sure it's all chaff.  I will see my osychologist tomorrow and I won't actually send anything until I talk to her.  But these people literally cause me nothing but grief.  And I've decided there has to be a statute of limitations on how long y have to keep someone in your life just because you share some DNA.  

I must be an incredibly dangerous woman because they cannot allow me to speak my opinion on my own Facebook without doing their best to silence me.  They can't take a chance on hearing a single word I say.  So ... were done.  

I got through the day better than yu might think I would.  What my daughter and husband wrote helped enormously as well as the message she sent my mother.  When I told her how much I appreciated it, she patted my leg and said, "Nobody makes my mama cry!"

Mynhusbajdnisnt going to respond to my brothers response because there is no point in it and he has much more important things to take care of .  

So, anyway.  I'm not sure how ill phrase it, but tomorrow will be a matter of letting them decide if they want to be in my life or not, but explaining that I won't be attacked and I won't be silenced.  

I posted a quote on my page that says a woman who needs validation from no one is the most dangerous person on earth.  Or something like that.  

So, I gotta go to bed.  Have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, after all!  The family I thought I had was just a figment of my imagination.  Time to blow away the smoke.  


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