Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 71 - Too Good to Be True!

Dear Friend, 

you will never believe this!  My mother gave me a sincere compliment tonight.  And a pretty major one at that.  But first, let me tell you about the day real quick ... I have a good zombie book I want to get back to!

I woke up at 5:30, three days in a row now.  I thought this is good because that's sort of when I'd like to actually be getting up.  I think it's impossible, but there yu go.  Then I woke up at 8:00.  I could have gotten on up, but I decided to sleep some more.  Mistake!  Made the morning very hectic.  The electricians were here most of the day trying to find the bad wiring.  They had to do something so that we had power in the dining room for the night at least.  The cleaners came, but were only able to clean the downstairs floor because of not having electricity upstairs.  I had to take my mom in to see my chiropractor because she has bad tendinitis in the heel of one of her feet that is causing her a lot of pain and really messing up her visit.  Then she wanted to go get something to eat.  I really didn't have times but I took her to an authentic New York diner where she got a fantastic Reuben sandwich.  We went home and I had to move all the cars to clear the semi-circle driveway for the guests.  I got her settled in upstairs with an ice oak wrapped around her ankle.  I had to deal with some problems with the front porch and then get changed.  Except ... I was SO tired I really didn't want to!  I out together an outfit I really liked:  my black leggings with a long, lightweight ivory top from Loft with a lot of nice detail work on the front and an ivory sweater from Boden that only comes to the waist, but has the tails that hang down that yu can tie if you want.  Some real pretty jewelry and my new ivory heels from Aerosoles, and it looked pretty good!  

The dinner (8) went well.  Still some issues with the service and the caterer, but I'll keep pecking away at it.  The dinner went really, really well.  It was all college stuff, but a lot of important things were decided there.  

After dinner, my mother said she had just been thinking of all the myriad of people I had had to deal with that day. Oh ... The dry cleaner came in the midst of it all, too.  And then pull off the dinner and take care of her.  She said, "I see now so clearly why you have such a hard time keeping up with things and forget things so easily."  She was just kind of stunned by how intensely busy my day was and I told her that it had not even been a particularly bad day.  She expressed amazement which is pretty rare!  I said that she can also see why I'm so tired all the time!  So, this doesn't happen very much at all.   Most of the time she tells me she doesn't see why I'm having such a hard time and how she does everything better than I do and wouldn't have the problems I'm having.  Yeah ... that's always fun to listen to.  She didn't see the dinner and so she didn't see all that I do with that and how I handle it all, even.  

Something interesting came out at the diner.  Turns to she's had it with my brothers, too!!!  I said something jokingly about how she could live with my oldest brother, knowing that she doesn't get along with him at all.  She told me that she had recently apparently told him off, big time, on the phone because of something he said to her.  Then she said, "... and I don't want to talk about it!"  I laughed and said that was fine, that I had several things that I don't want to talk about either.  Then I told her that my brothers were going to be getting a very long letter from me that would include my telling them that they don't have to be a part of my life, and I don't need them.  She just said she didn't want to hear about it and that was all.  And my other brother, the one who has been so hateful on Facebook, she said she doesn't like being around him anymore because he's gotten so prickly and so opinionated and his way is the only right way, etc.  So ... I fnd that interesting, don't you?  Why, SURE you do!

Our daughter had her second day of work today and it went better than she thought it would.  But she didn't get in until almost 8:00.  

I talked to the chiropractor's office manager about a toxin/cleansing program he's got going, and it actually looks pretty good.  Intense nourishment.  I'm thinking about trying it for thirty days after the semester is over.  

I can't find my phone, so I don't know if I have anything going tomorrow or not.  Hope not.  Desperately need a day at home!


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