Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 66 - A Little Better

Dear Friend,

Today was still a rough day.  I was "on" so constantly for a week and it took more out of me than I realized.  The cleaners were supposed to come today, so I asked them to let themselves in and clean just the downstairs because I didn't have the upstairs picked up yet and was too exhausted to work on ot.  Plus, I just couldn't handle seeing anyone.  I also had the furniture moved back in place and all the folding tables and extra linens taken away and set my dry cleaning on the front porch!  Then I just hid out upstairs.  I just can'ttell you   how tired I was.   I noticed on the day of the inauguration that I felt extremely weak in my arms and my legs, but there was nothing I could do except do it.  It's not the sort of thing that happens very often and I'm sure I'll recover.  In the meantime, I have an EMG test tomorrow afternoon in the city.  I'm not sure what that is, but it has to do with the autonomic nervous system.  Maybe being this exhausted will help make things clear for the test?  

I started getting some blood pressure around 3:00 in the afternoon and I was able to take care of getting two big Macys returns ready and all packaged up.  Still have a loft and a Talbots to do.  

I haven't done a single exercise yet.  Not a single one.  

I did get my makeup on and my hair fixed and real clothes on before my husband got home and even made a nice dinner.  I've brought my prayer journal in to my bedside and have decided to start having my prayer time and my Bible reading in the morning while I'm struggling to get enough blood pressure going to get out of bed.  Today was really awful.  It was about 2-1/2 hours before I got out of bed, and even then I felt like death.  

I'm going to get this all figured out, aren't I?  

The church we visited has a womens retreat coming up the first weekend in May at a beach in New Jersey.  I wonder if I could get my nerve up to go without knowing anyone?  Heck, no!! Who am I trying to kid!

It's just 11:18 and I feel like I could go to sleep right now.  That would be awesome.  

Hmmmm ... I wonder if I can work a 2:30 appt in the city and the drive home into getting dinner out??


P.S.  It was strange being home without our daughter today.  I'd gotten used to her being here.  

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