Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 68 - WOW! What a Day!!!

Dear Friend, 

what an amazing day!  This was the day of the inauguration ceremony and it was fabulous!  Simply wonderful!  I was so proud of my husband, I just can't tell you.  He is an amazing speaker and he gave a very passionate speech about how college transforms lives and his vision for helping students succeed.  His best friend spoke and gave him The Charge, which was very moving.  Another dear friend who my husband mentored and is now the president of a large university, also spoke.  Vice-President Biden sent him a personal letter congratulating him and our New York Senator came and spoke as well.  There was a Marine Color Guard and a bagpipe band!  When the recessional started, my husband grabbed my hand and had me walk with him.  It was all very special and very beautiful.  There was a huge spread for the guests, students, and faculty, and then a private lunch for us and our family and special guests.  I have eaten SO MUCH. 

I was super disappointed that my best friend wasn't able to come because of a family emergency.  But I would have wanted to sit with her and visit all the time which would have made my mother super jealous and angry.  Her messed up tendon seems to have become a broken bone.  Her lower leg and foot is swollen up huge now.   

I am going to try, yet again, to copy a picture here of the shoes I wore.  You MUST see them!  Let's see if I can figure this out using those little buttons at the too of this page.  Hmmmm.  Nope.  That didn't work.  How about this?  There we go!  That's it for now.  So,glad this is finally over!


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