Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 61 - Rats!! Wasted the Day

Dear Friend,

I'm trying to not be too hard on myself, but I'm still pretty irritated.  Today slid right out from under me.  I couldn't sleep last night.  After I wrote down everything that still had to be done outside, I think that made me get tense and I wound up not going to sleep till after 3:00 am.  I did, though, get up and we went to this church.  I really liked it again.  It was "missionary Sunday".  If yu don't know what that is, it means you didn't grow up Baptist!  This is not a Baptist church, but it does have a strong emphasis on missions.  So, we groaned inwardly, remembering too many awful sermons in our past by missionaries.  So we were surprised that this one turned out to be really good!  I was glad we went.

There wasn't any time to stop for groceries on the way home because my husband had an afternoon event he had to get to. So I scrounged up something to eat and went to bed immediately.  Slept solid till 3:00 in the afternoon and then basically stayed 75% asleep and 25% awake the rest of the day.  I got caught in this zombie book and couldn't out it down until just now.  The Raising of Stony Mayhall.  It's about a zombie baby that is found by an old woman and her three daughters and is kept hidden in their home where he grows up, completely loving, sentient, and non-violent, but definitely ... dead.  It's a long, involved story, very highly rated and reviewed.  Everyone said they couldn't put it down and I'll be darned if they weren't right!   

Anyway.  I just finished it and read my Bible and I'm going to go on to sleep now.  I'll have to make my to-do list in the morning.  I can't believe I did so badly today.  Maybe stress will start winding down and I'll stop reading so much fiction. One can hope!  

I hope you had a good weekend and are ready for Monday!  Who am I kidding??  Is anyone EVER ready for Monday?!


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