Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 60 - Looking for 1% Improvements

Dear Friend,

Best laid plans and all that.  I set my alarm for 8:00 this morning and was using the snooze button, but somehow must have turned it off because the next thing I knew, it was 10:00.  As you know, it takes me a while to get moving, but I watched a TED talk and did a few other things and was out of bed by 11:00.  It took me almost two full hours to clean the kitchen and the island!  The crockpot in which I burned the BBQ chicken is still having to soak!  After about thirty minutes of working fatigue slammed into me like a brick.  Or I slammed into it like a brick wall.  Or whatever the appropriate metaphor is.  I kept working, though, and before long I started hurting badly in my legs which turned into aching all over my body, even my face.  I was taking some things into one of the bathrooms and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realized that I looked green!  Shortly after that the chills hit me.  So I went back to bed on a heating pad with the electric blanket turned up high.  The fever never "broke", but I didn't have chills anymore when I woke up after sleeping hard for three hours.  

I read my Bible and had a prayer time and ordered some delivery for my daughter and I.  She got home around 7:00 and we had a nice talk about her day.  She is really liking working at this place and commented on how much better she feels to be doing something.  Gee!  That sounds familiar, like maybe my husband or I said that to her once or twice in the past!  

The turkey wrap made me terribly sick at my stomach and I couldn't eat the fries at all.  I felt well enough to get a little more done to the house before my husband got home around 9:00.

I think I can get the house cleaned tomorrow and get all my packages ready to be sent back and get a food order in.  If I could get the laundry done, too, that would be amazing!

I found out about a conference by an organization called longevity now.  It's apparently got every health guru there is in America.  They have a ton of videos online.  I watched one the other day about an experiment done on plants using grounding.  This is a new thing in the health world, but it seems like it's got some merit.  I know my husband will mock, but the basic theory, as I understand it, is that ... well you know that all the body processes are carried out by electricity, right? Your body has an electric charge.  And the earth has an electric charge and ... oh, well ... Anyway, the basic thing is that we need to be in actual physical contact with the earth every day, like waking barefoot on grass or sitting down on the lawn or things that out us in direct contact with the earth.  Because ... the earth is basically negatively charged so there are loose electrons on the surface of the earth and they enter your body when you have direct contact.  This shifts the electrical charge of your body in beneficial ways.  And, free radicals are oxygen atoms that are missing an electron and so they cause all sorts of damage to your body.  The idea is that the electrons that enter your body will bind with these oxygen atoms and provide the missing electron which causes them to stop their damaging maurading.  At least that's the best I understand it right now.  I know the part about the free radicals and anti-oxidants is true.  But the idea of receiving needed electrons by direct contact with the ground to take care of this is new.  But, they showed an experiment done with flowers that was amazing.  In one set of flowers they put a grounding wire and in the other they out an inert wire.  The difference between the growth and duration of the flowers was astounding!   

I subscribed to newsletters by a guy named James Clear.  It's all about how to become ... better.  I read an article tonight by him and it was really good.  It was about improving things by 1% and seeing how the cumulative consequences of these 1%improvements bring about great change.  So, instead of trying to create dramatic change in your life, try instead to make a 1% change in all sorts of areas of your life.  It was encouraging.  

So, tomorrow I'm back to trying to get the house fully back together from the effects of the inauguration and all the visitors.  It's frustrating to be working to regain lost ground instead of moving forward but, c'est la vie.  At least the worse if over ... I think!


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