Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 81, Evening - Brooding

Dear Reader,

Well, no news for you.  My brother seems to have stopped his tirade.  I was so tempted to write in asking, "So, have you finished your temper tantrum?? By all means, don't stop on. my account!"  Husband deemed it not a great idea.  

I didn't get anything done today.  At all.  I didn't cry anymore, and I wasn't in the frozen/shell-shocked state any longer.   Just bruised and brooding.  I was not happy at all about sitting back doing nothing.  Not at all.  

I met with the girl I am mentoring today.  Did I tell you that she is Indian and Hindu? We had a good talk and she told me about bad things are for her at home, so we brainstormed about how to be able to stay in NYC.  Turns out she has a very rich relative in Harlem who has a $2500 a month apartment and needs a roommate.  She could never afford to pay half of,that, so I suggested that she offer to clean the apartment, do the grocery shopping and cooking and dishes, and pay 15% of the rent.  She was thinking 25% but I said to start at 15!  It's mostly symbolic anyway.  The girl doesn't need the money.  But she DOES need someone to help her because "her boards" are coming up.  I don't know in what field, but she could use some help for sure.  I told her she could make $350 a month dancing on street corners if she had to!  She is a business major, but can do traditional Indian dance.  

I felt better after she left, by put still didn't get anything done.  My husband was really tired, so we didn't go out on a date tonight.  We did go to a new bistro that has opened up because my husband wanted pizza.  This pizza place got really good reviews, so we went there, only to find it had closed and this bistro was there.  But they had pizza so we stayed.  And ... I had pizza!  First time in forever because I'm so allergic to dairy!  It was unbelievably good.  Very authentic Italian, thin crust, wild mushrooms, mozzarella cheese and truffle oil.  I've felt pretty sick this evening and like I'm running a fever.  So I'd better stay FAR away from dairy for a couple of weeks so I don't have some big-time reaction.  

My husband will be home tomorrow, so hopefully that will help me to stay less gloomy and be able to function.  I really, really want to finish up my study!  And I have to get in. A grocery order and take care of a bunch of emails and get a lot of work done on events I'm giving and the installation ceremony and the guests well have here.  I don't know if my mother is coming or not now.  I am not happy with her at all and have done nothing to contact her since yesterday and don't plan on contacting her again.  I know it's fruitless to confront her.  Utterly and hopelessly fruitless.  But that doesn't mean I have to make nice to her or act like there's nothing the matter.  

Well,,that's enough about my life for now.  We watched "Birdman" tonight after finding it was on both the New Yorkers' and Rolling Stones' top ten movies of 2014.  Well ... all I've got to say is, I'm glad they liked it!

So, have a great Saturday and a wonderful celebration of Christ's resurrection!!


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