Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 72 - Nice Day! Nobody More Surprised Than Me!

Dear Friend,

Well, I had an enjoyable day with my mother!  She is studiously avoiding conversation about my brothers, which is good.  She complains constantly about being old and how bad it is and how miserable she is.  This from a 91 year old woman who just drove from Tennessee to New York, takes care of herself, her car, her home, living alone in a 2400 sq ft house.  I definitely get it.  Life is hard and hurts and it gets worse as you get older.  But she always forgets that I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which causes me a great deal of pain and injury and the dysautonomia which comes with all of it's problems.  I don't know if she is aware of how much she complains, but it was pretty much non-stop today.  I try to be sympathetic, but then I reach an "alright, already!" state.  She has apparently developed planters fasciitis which is truly miserable.  Her ankle was a little red and painful when she got here, but it seems to have blossomed into the full thing.  I iced her ankle today and then gave her Motrin, yes I know it's bad for you, but so is pain!  I had her elevate it in bed after spraying it down good with Bio-Freeze.  She said it got to feeling quite a bit better.  I gave her Tylenol tonight and wrapped her ankle in a wide compression bandage and left two Motrin out for her to take during the night.  The plan is to take her into see my chiropractor tomorrow if it's still hurting badly.  He can at least do some E-stem on it if nothing else.  

We went shopping today.  She had planned on buying clothes for the inaugurations while she was here during these first three days we have to ourselves.  By put then she didn't want to go at all.  She's just like that.  I said, "Well, you told me you wanted to go shopping, so were at least going to go look!"  We went out to eat at a new restaurant that we enjoyed and then went to Chico's.  We found several things for her that will look very nice.  We brought them home for her to try on, but she didnt feel well enough to do that.  Were going to go back and get her at least one pair of pants and look for shoes at a nearby Aerosoles.  The heels I bought there recently are working really well.  I'm just wearing them for short periods of time to try to get used to heels again.  These are pumps, but they don't come off my heels, which is unusual!

I did get my time this morning to read my Bible and pray, so that helped a lot.  We are having pretty extreme electrical problems.  The insulation on some of the wires has worn off leaving the bare wires to fuse together creating 220 volts.   The electrician said, as best as I could understand, that the house is old and people have, apparently, just been jimmy-rigging the electrical system forever and it's a huge mess!  We still don't have power in a lot of the house.  Including the dining room where we are supposed to host a dinner tomorrow night!  

So, I hit my leg on the sharp edge of a table a week or so ago.  It bruised badly, but all that's gone now.  But it looks like I may be developing a fibrous tumor there.  It's not quite the size of a quarter and real hard.  

Our daughter started her internship today and ... oh my!  It's going to be a really, really hard job.  Mostly she will be analyzing the results of all their marketing efforts and preparing spread sheets for one million things.  She's not terribly happy about this!  Her internship is part-times but they may be changing that to a full-time internship starting next week.  Lots of hard work.  No pay.  Better resume.  But taking the train in is time consuming.  They want her to start working till 6:00 at night.  By the time she got to Grand Central and caught the hourly train and made it home, it's going to be almost 8:00!

Oh.  I have a pair of slacks that I have barely been able to get on for the longest time, and couldn't get the zipper edges even close to each other, much less zipped up.  Well, today on a whim, I tried them on and they fit fine.  Must have been a lot of swelling, but I don't know what is different that it would go down.  

I found a delivery service that delivers fresh meals to your house on MWF.  It's all organic and, I think, vegetarian.  

I'm turning ink. Have a great day tomorrow.  


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