Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 63 - Still Exhausted!

Dear Friend,

This will be short since I've stayed up too late reading!!  My husband and I are both still so exhausted.  I don't see how he keeps going!  I wasn't able to go to sleep last night till very late which didn't help a bit.  I did my leg and hip exercises again today.   Just day two, but I'm already baffled that I haven't been doing this.  I don't mind this type of exercise at all and used to do it pretty regularly.  I shouldn't get ahead of myself, though.  Let's see if I'm still doing it in a week.  

I didn't get much done today ... some laundry, basic cleaning. I made a cup of Bulletproof Coffee hoping it would keep me awake, but it didn't help at all.  Look up Dave Aspry or Bulletproof Coffee if you want to know what I'm talking about.  It's coffee you make and whip with coconut oil and unsalted butter in it!  It's really not bad.

My husband and I had a nice date tonight,  we went to an Italian restaurant and the food was laughably bad.  Then we saw Ex Machina which I thought was interesting, but he didn't like.  We came home and our daughter told us about her day and then we watched two episodes of Friends.  

There is some talk being made about getting a housekeeper.  I don't know if it will happen, but it would revolutionize my life if it did!

Tomorrow my poor husband has one event after another.  I, however, will be pressure washing a sterilizing the garage floor and then trying to clean the cushions.  I'm been thinking I might bathe the dogs as long as I'm having an icky day!

I posted something slightly inflammatory on my Facebook page today.  But, before it tell you about that, let me tell you that I fund that my oldest brother posted yesterday on his page something that made it sound like he had FINALLY actually heard at least some of what I've been saying to him.  It was encouraging.  He's made a couple of advances.  Sent me a "brain teaser" and mailed me some things of mine he found going through a stack of old papers.  Not a word from my other brother, which is still just fine with me.  

So, this is what I posted.  Well, how about that.  I can't copy a post from my Facebook page.  I'll just say it was about a verse from Isaiah saying to seek justice and defend the oppressed.  Then I went on about how these were no "liberal" values, they were God's command to us and ended with saying, "If you don't LOOK like Jesus and if you don't TALK like Jesus and if you don't ACT like Jesus  ... it was time for self-examination to see if you are really a Believer.  

So, I'm sure that will win me a lot of points with my crazy, extreme family and friends.  

Well, think of me tomorrow as you're getting your hair done or a manicure and I'm cleaning a nasty garage!!


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