Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 74 - Mother Arrived

Dear Friend,

My mother arrived safely and not even terribly exhausted it seemed.  Her gps took her 70 miles in the wrong direction, but otherwise, she had an uneventful trip.  She loves the house and got to see the downstairs.  But we went to dinner and when we came back, some fuses blew and many of the upstairs rooms were dark, so she couldn't see them.  She's planning on staying a week or more, "until we get tired of being around each other." 

I was able to get some work done around the house and some clothes folded and out u.  

Tomorrow, my husband and I are visiting that church again.  Hope I can figure out something for lunch.  I finally got a grocery order in late last night, and it should be delivered Monday.  

Tomorrow, I must need to press on with the laundry and try on the clothes that have arrived and make decisions.  I tell you, I want EVERYTHING in the Sahalie catalogue.  Literally.  I love almost everything in it.  I'm going to have to be replacing a lot of my summer clothes from last year.  They were on their last legs at the beginning of the summer, but I didn't want to try to replace anything last summer when I was packing to move.  So ... this summer, I truly do need some new clothes.  I ordered three pairs of Jag Jeans from 6:00 PM on sale for around $37 each.  They are the pull in kind and are supposed to prevent you from having a muffin top.  But these Sahalie skirts are so adorable!  

Must get a waist!

So, still trying to figure out hw to love myself and not consider myself just a commodity to be used by other people. I have been over the pain caused mpby my brothers today,thank you, Father!  And I was glad to see my mother and stayed calm around her.  I don't feel like I need a second clonopin,  okay.mmthats the report for now.  

Cheers! (Or screams!!)

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