Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day 69 - Make It End!!!

Dear Friend, 

make them go home!!  It is SO time for all the relatives to leave, and thank goodness, they are all going home tomorrow!  Nothing has been as bad as I thought it would be or as it could have been.  But neither has it been a lark, either!  My mother did pretty well until a disastrous evening at what HAD been one of our favorite restaurants.  I'm afraid this night's memory may ruin it forever for us.  My mom started getting real argumentative and testy, but ... You know ... it was late and she was tired and in pain.  Her testiness is more biting than other people's, but, overall, she still did pretty well during this time, especially with being in so much pain.  But ... it is time for everyone to go home!


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