Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 68 - WE SURVIVED!!!

Dear Friend, 

I got super-distracted before I started even writing.  My friend's daughter has some kind of infection going on in her foot.  They are growing bacteria cultures from puss they pulled from her foot.  I got to worrying whether they had thought about the possibility of a mycobacterium infection.  Both my parents were harmed badly by a non-tuberculosis mycobacterium, but physicians don't think of these very often and they take  two-three weeks to culture.  So if physicians just give it a week, they'll never find the culture and will miss the correct diagnosis.  I thought my mother's arm infection was caused by M. Kansasaii, but I ust read that tuberculosis can effect the joints and cause the same injury she has.  Yikes!  How ironic would that be if my dad was mistakenly diagnosed with tuberculosis and sent to a sanitarium for six months, and my mother actually HAD tuberculosis in her joint, but was never diagnosed!  Anyway, I used to know mountains of information about this because the state of Texas kept my dad locked u in a sanitarium for six months when test after test and even lung biopsies came back showing he did not have TB.  But, you know me.  OCD when it comes to research, so it just looked u a bunch of stuff and sent it to her.  Yay, her!

Anyway, all the family is GONE!  Thank God.  Now I'm going to hurry to say that it was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.  My mother behaved pretty well until last night when she started saying mean and spiteful things, but mostly just to me and my daughter.  We were so extremely glad to tell eberyone goodbye and for it to be just the three of us again!  After my husband got back from taking two cars to the airport, we both went to bed and slept like rocks for hours.  Then the three of us went out to eat and came back and watched Journey of 100 Feet, which was absolutely beautiful!

After a catastrophic week like this, it always gives me a moment to step back and evaluate my life and see where I'm getting clogged up and weighed down and reexamine it.  At this point I believe I can do anything.  I want to get on the diet program my chiropractor is offering.  I want to start doing at least the hip and leg exercises I have from the time my hip joint almost came out.  I feel like I can get on top of keeping food in the house and getting dinner ready on time and managing my life will become simple.  None of whch will be true, of course.  I may make some course corrections for sure, but in old enough and have experienced enough to know that, as soon as I quit being so bloated from eating bread and butter all the time, I'm going to want it again.  I'm going to want to do anything BUT exercise, and managing the household will likely remain as hard as it was.  And, let's not even talk ant the basement!!!

But, I'll enjoy the feeling for the moment and see what actions I can actually turn it into.  At least the holidays are over, the conference is over, and the inauguration is over.  And our daughter has internship.  Just that is enough to be happy about.  

Here's to a good week for all of us!

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