Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 84 - "Liberty" University??

Dear Friend,

Be still my beating heart.  Literally!  I just about exploded today learning that Liberty University had Ted Cruz announce his bid for the presidency as a convocation speech which students had to attend or be fined money and get four academic marks against them.  I'm trying to decide if people are just getting stupider, or what??  I, of course, posted about it on Facebook.  I had to delete several posts agin, some by my mother this time -- I hope THAT doesn't re-open the PTSD wounds that are just starting to close back up.  But how can people REFUSE to think something through!!!!??   One person wrote that $10 was nothing, no big deal.  Like the size of the penalty was what was important!  And no one would/could even latch on to the fact that the students did not know what they were walking into.  They thought they were going to a convocation speech, which is usually advice for students about their life.  Boring and unneeded advice.  But this time they walked in to find that they were being used as part of a movie prop to make it seem that thousands and thousands had poured out just to hear Ted Cruz announce his  bid for the presidency.  And they were REQUIRED to be there, expecting yet another boring convocation speech, but instead get used as political puppetry.  The manipulation and the deceitfulness just blows me away.  So, I had to make my "get your hands off my Facebook page" speech again.  A friend sent me the cutest thing ... and I see that I still have not figure out how to post an image.  It is a picture of a minion saying, "my wall, my status, my opinion, my humor, my .... WHOA!  There it is!!!  Or, rather, there it was!  It's gone again.  Oh, well.  

Anyway, I have a piece of good news,  I contacted Dr. Susan Blum's office today.  Ring any bells?  She is a famous functional medicine doctor who happens to be in Rye Brook, NY not too far from where we are.  I called last year and was told I couldn't get in until 2015 so I wound up going to the doctor I'm going to now.  But, truth is, they're just not that good and the office is run very badly.  Each time I go, it seems like they are completely starting from scratch with me and have no idea what they're doing.  They don't seem to be able to maintain their focus.  So, I decided I was ready to get my name on a waiting list to get in to see this doctor.  I talked to a woman in her office about what all was going on and that I had a cardiologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, a nephrologist and a geneticist and I needed a single, very good doctor who could pull it all together and treat me integratively.  Is that the word I'm looking for?  Pull it all together into one narrative and work from there.  So, the woman said that, since I had called before, she was going to bump me up the wait list and get me in to see Dr. Blum in June!  Such great news!  I'm really happy about this.  

I don't think I told you that I found the perfect outfit for my husband's installation!  It's from Talbots where I know I can be fitted, large waist and all.  I ordered two sizes of the skirt, and two sizes of the jacket.  Can't wait to get them and try them on!  I also found an amazingly perfect pair of shoes at Lord & Taylor that should be amazing with it.  

Oh, and here's a little, insignificant tidbit for you.  You know I tear  my nails to pieces when I'm very stressed, don't you? Yep.  It's awful. Well, I decided to try out these little plastic nail covers I've seen at Walgreens.  I got the French manicure, which wasn't a good idea.  My nails are chewed back to the nail bed, so then making it look like I have the tips colored looks silly!  But ... I've bathed with them and done the dishes with them and hand washed clothes with them, and they are staying on.  It would be so great if I have found a way to protect my nails from my chewing and clawing!!  
I had big plans for the day today, and then forgot to set the alarm.  Woke up at 10:30.  I did get my bed made and my makeup on, had a prayer time, read my Bible and cooked dinner and got some laundry done.  Oh ... and fought off attackers on my Facebook page.  Oh, and I wrote a SCATHING comment on some article about the Liberty University thing.  It was so good!  Want to read it?  Why sure you do!  But after all I went through yet again, I just don't have the chutzpah to include it here.  

Well ... that's my life so far.  Hope yours is calmer and healthier than mine and that you don't have quite so many crazies in your family as I do.  Oh, you want to hear something strange?  I have this cousin that I don't know well. She was adopted and a good bit older than me and very strange from the get-go.  She kind of lost herself to all of us for years, but after Facebook got going, she started back with comments.  And she is the only family member who seems to get what I'm saying, for the most part, and writes pretty decent comments!  Go figure.  


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